

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
These are the past logs which were formerly found on the main page.
Stardate 11.23.97: The mission logs have been recieved from Starfleet Archives. However, they are densely coded by Starfleet Intelligence, and are being converted to LCARS format. Meanwhile, the mission log page is up, except there is no mission logs to read. In addition, the trasnporter chief has discovered some coordinates, and programmed them into the buffer. You may now visit them. To conclude the changes, the first season of Kirk's logs have been decoded, stills are included.
Stardate 11.24.97: Season 2 and 3 of the TOS logs have been added. There is a still for every episode. The replicator is up and running, and has a partial library bank.
Stardate 11.28.97: Parts 1 and 2 of the TNG Logs is complete. There is a still for every episode except Home Soil. If you have a good picture from that episode, please send it in.
Stardate 12.10.97: All of the mission logs have been completed.
Stardate 12.17.97: Personnel logs for the Original Series crew have been added.
Stardate 12.19.97: Personnel logs for the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine senior staff has been added. Plus, spoiler info for Voyager and Deep Space Nine have been added.
Stardate 12.20.97: A message from the starship Voyager has been recieved from the Delta Quadrant. Voyager personnel logs have been added for the senior staff.
Stardate 12.21.97: Other Starfleet personnel records and civilian listings have been added.
Stardate 12.22.97: A search engine and the library computer have been. Both are mostly disabled due to their recent upload. Plus, the holodeck is online, and has a few VRMLs, MIDs, Real Media files, movies, and even a few sounds for you. If there are any requests for the holodeck, send it to me. Records for the Romulan Star Empire, the Klingon Empire, the Cardassian Union, the Dominion and the Borg Empire have been added.
Stardate 12.23.97: All of the known empire entries in the library computer are completed and entries for the Akira, Ambassador, Centaur, Cheyenne, Constellation, Constitution and Danube classes of ships have been added.
Stardate 12.24.97: All Federation ship classes are completed, and info on the Klingon race has been added.
Stardate 12.27.97: More information on the Klingon race has been added, plus information on the Romulan, Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, Bolian, Betazoids, Trill and Cardassian peoples.
Stardate 1.3.98: Information on all of the alien races have been added, and a technology index and warp drive page has been added, plus a Starfleet Security record on the lifeform known as Q, and a record for Lwaxana Troi.
Stardate 1.4.98: A Stafleet security record on Gul Dukat has been added, plus a long form index for Original Series first season episodes.
Stardate 1.5.98: Long form index for Original series Season 2 and 3 had been added.
Stardate 1.6.98: Long form index for Next Generation Season 1 has been added.
Stardate 1.7.98: Long form index for Next Generation Season 2 and 3 has been added.
Stardate 1.8.98: All remaining long form indices for Next Generation have been added.
Stardate 1.9.98: Long form indices for Deep Space Nine Season 1, 2, 3 and 4 have beem added.
Stardate 1.28.98: All other long form indices have been added, plus more character profiles, and more ship classes.
These are the highly detailed status logs, following the creation of the status log on Stardate 1.28.97.
Stardate 1.29.98: Extended synopsis added for "Message in a Bottle." Spoilers added for "In The Pale Moonlight." Character biography added for Michael Eddington.
Stardate 2.2.98: Synopsises for all of the movies from the Motion Picture to First Contact have been added here, plus spoilers on the ninth Trek. A new section has been added for links to my friend's pages. I am now working on a page with software reviews, and cheats and walkthroughs if they have them, and a novel section, with info on all of the novels, plus, hopefully, scanned picts of their covers.
Stardate 2.4.98: Quick reference guide spoilers, an image, and the extended synopsis for the new DS9 episode, "Who Mourns for Morn", have been added. Plus, spoilers added for Season 6 episodes "In the Pale Moonlight" and "His Way" have been added, and the episode "Patriots" has been confirmed false. I am now starting work on an episode reviewer. I may be adding more to the episode pages soon.
Stardate 2.11.98: Quick reference guide, an image and the extended synopsis and other info for the new DS9 episode "Far Beyond the Stars". I am revising all episode pages to include guest stars, credits, and a reviewer. Novel index and Original Series listing up as well, but little images. Spoilers for "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" have been added.
Stardate 2.21.98: Forgive the delay of updating this page, but we have been busy sending off letters to the starship Voyager. Anyways, quick reference guide, images, and extended synopsises for "Hunters", "One Little Ship", and "Prey" have been added, plus spoilers for "The Reckoning", "Demons", and "Q and Son". TNG images have been fixed.
Stardate 2.26.98: Quick reference guide, image and synopsis have been added for "Honor Among Thieves".
Stardate 2.27.98: Quick reference guide, image and synopsis have been added for "Retrospect" and spoilers for the season finale of Voyager "Hope and Fear". I am busy gathering new images for Voyager and updating all episode pages with review areas, video previews and credits.
Stardate 3.5.98: Quick reference guide, image and synopsis have been added for "Change of Heart." In my episode page updates, I am at the fifth season of DS9 (that means I've finished TOS, TNG, and most of DS9). Bear with me. Plus, I have added two sponsor banners. Just click, and you will be sponsoring me (it won't cost you anything, just click). Every click transfers into 5 cents. All of the profit made with my sponsors will go to getting my own domain, Frontpage, and other tools needed for this page.
Stardate 3.8.98: A lot of updates have come today. Firstly, quick reference guides, images and synopsis have been added for "The Killing Game, Part 1, and Part 2". Next, I've replaced all DS9 and Voyager episode images with better quality pictures. Next, I have finally finished the episode pages. They now have a reviewer, credits, and an episode preview video. Now, I may continue on to new and better things, like the finding of more downloads and multimedia and the novel indices. Information on the Hirogen has been added in the library computer, and the novel index for Next Generation has been added.
Stardate 3.9.98: Index for Deep Space Nine novels has been added.
Stardate 3.10.98: Index for Voyager novels has been added.
Stardate 3.11.98: Spoilers have been added for three DS9 season six episodes, like "The Reckoning", "The Valiant", and "Profit and Lace". Plus, the complete script for Star Trek 9 has been added in the movie index. Plus, a random quote generator has been added on the main page. It has 40 some quotes. Please submit your favorite Trek quotes to [email protected].
Stardate 3.14.98: There are now near 150 quotes in the random quote generator on the main page. I have also made an index for New Frontier novels, and quick reference guides for Seasons One and Two of the "forgotten series", The Animated Series.
Stardate 3.16.98: More animations and videos have been added to Holodeck Four.
Stardate 3.18.98: A new webring has been added, new info has been added to the technology index. Plus a new link has been added.
Stardate 3.19.98: All webrings, awards and other miscellaneous stuff have been shifted to the Ready Room. Plus, I have decided to add the latest page news to the main page, but not all of it as before.
Stardate 3.21.98: More information and pictures have been added for the Prometheus class starship.
Stardate 3.22.98: Spoilers have been added for the DS9 sixth season episode "Out of Time". Plus, several video scenes and games have been added to Holodeck Four, and a new game has been added to the replicator, and a new multimedia link has been added to the transporter buffer.
Stardate 3.23.98: Updated spoilers for "Valiant".
Stardate 3.29.98: The LCARS Interface has won it's first award! Go see it in the Ready Room.
Stardate 3.31.98: Quick reference guide, image and synopsis for "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" have been added.
Stardate 4.3.98: Spoilers for the season finale of the sixth season have been added.
Stardate 4.10.98: Quick reference guides, images and synopsises have been added for "Inquisition" and "Vis a Vis". Plus, spoilers for "Profit and Lace", "Out of Time" and "The Sound of Her Voice" have been added, or updated.
Stardate 4.11.98: All email references have been modified to reflect my new email address. Updated spoilers for "Tears of the Prophets".
Stardate 4.15.98: Quick reference guide, image and synopsis for "In the Pale Moonlight" have been added. Updated spoilers for "The Sound of Her Voice."
Stardate 4.17.98: Quick reference guide, image and synopsis for "The Omega Directive" have been added.
Stardate 5.2.98: My apologies for the lack of updates. Quick reference guides, images and synopsises have been added for "His Way", "Unforgettable", "The Reckoning" and "Living Witness". Plus, updated spoilers for Time's Orphan (name change).
Stardate 5.4.98: Updated spoilers for "Tears of the Prophets".

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