

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
Scorpion, Part 2:
The ship remains on Red Alert after Janeway, in exchange for safe passage through space, reaches an agreement with the Borg Collective to help them fight Species Eight Four Seven Two, a race more malevolent than their own.
The Gift:
Kes knows it's time to leave the U.S.S. Voyager when her body goes into a state of cellular flux and she experiences uncontrollable psychokinetic abilities which endanger the ship. Meanwhile, Seven of Nine's human physiology begins to reassert itself and threaten her life.
When Janeway instructs The Doctor to completely remove her Borg technology, a fierce yet alluring young female begins to emerge.
Chakotay is marooned on an unknown planet where the two inhabiting alien life forms are attempting planet-wide genocide against each other. Chakotay is captured by one of the tribes and comes to sympathize with them and their battle for survival against a ferocious enemy.
Day of Honor:
As Lieutenant Torres reluctantly faces the Day of Honor, an ancient Klingon ritual which requires examination of one's behavior, the U.S.S. Voyager is forced to eject the warp core, and she and Paris must launch a shuttle to tractor it back. Soon, the U.S.S. Voyager is ambushed by the Caatati, a race almost completely assimilated by the Borg, who demand Seven of Nine as ransom. When the Caatati attack the shuttlecraft, Torres and Paris are left suspended in space and prepare to die, prompting Torres to confide to her crewmate that she loves him.
Aboard the U.S.S. Voyager, Harry Kim is assigned to work with Seven of Nine on the new Astrometric lab. Kim is uneasy working with the Borg, but their detail provides them with the basis of a friendship. However, Kim is rattled when Seven of Nine interprets his pleasantries as romantic seduction and she decides to further explore her resurgent humanity. Meanwhile, Torres and the Doctor repair a waste disposal hologram who may have homicidal tendencies towards people who are not holograms.
The Raven:
Seven of Nine escapes from the U.S.S. Voyager when she believes she is being summoned by The Borg. She arrives at the remains of a destroyed ship that she discovers to be the same vessel from which, as a young girl, she was captured by The Borg.
Scientific Method:
Voyager's crew becomes a guinea pig for an experiment that may kill them all.
Year of Hell, Part 1:
Distressed at the loss of his family and an entire colony of his people by a hostile alien enemy, Krenim leader, Annorax, has mastered time manipulation and can obliterate history, making entire lifeforms and civilizations cease to have ever existed. In this way, he hopes to
restore his loved ones by erasing the enemy that caused their deaths. His well-calculated plans are thwarted by the incursion of the U.S.S. Voyager. Captain Janeway and her crew come between Annorax and his plans, for which it seems he will make good on his promise to destroy the starship.
Year of Hell, Part 2:
Most of the crew has abandoned the U.S.S. Voyager, leaving only a skeletal staff and the determined Captain Janeway on-board. With whole segments of the proud starship missing, and life-support systems failing, Captain Janeway is adamant about defeating the Krenim or
going down with her ship. Meanwhile, Chakotay tries to find a way to preserve the timeline on the weapon-ship.
Random Thoughts:
A visit to the homeworld of the Mari, a race of telepathic beings, gives the U.S.S. Voyager crew a chance for some much-deserved "shore-leave." However, these beings, who have forbidden violent thoughts as well as actions have B'Elanna Torres arrested for involuntarily thinking of an angry retaliation to an incident. Tuvok becomes involved in her case and
makes a startling discovery about the Mari.
Concerning Flight:
Small and nimble alien spacecraft attack the U.S.S. Voyager, using high energy transports to break through the ship's shields, scan its contents and pluck off valuable equipment, including the doctor's mobile emitter. Janeway and Tuvok beam down to the pirates' homeworld in search of the ship's main computer. To their surprise, they find Janeway's holographic Leonardo da Vinci, who believes he is in 16th century America is hooked up to the mobile emitter and becomes an essential part of their plans to retrieve the goods and leads them to the pirate king, Tau.
Mortal Coil: Neelix is killed, brought back with Borg nanoprobes with a whole new outlook on life, and goes on a spiritual journey with Chakotay.
The Voyager crew is attacked by a species who occupy a parallel
reality in the human dreamstate. Only Chakotay, with his native knowledge of waking
dreams, knows how to lead a counterattack.
When Seven of Nine discovers an alien array that can detect a Starfleet ship in the Alpha Quadrant, their only hope of contacting it is through the Doctor. The Doctor transfers to a prototype Starfleet ship named the Prometheus, but finds that it has been taken over by Romulans, so he must team up with the EMH Mark 2, a new holographic doctor merely six weeks old. Meanwhile, back at Voyager, a hostile race named the Hirogen claims control of the relay network, and attempts to jam the Voyager's link.
Voyager picks up a message from Starfleet, which contains letters from home. Meanwhile, Tuvok and Seven are captured by a hostile race of hunters named the Hirogen.
Voyager takes on board a badly damaged Hirogen hunter to heal it's wounds. Hovewer, the action boils up when the hull is penetrated by the greatest enemy Voyager has ever faced, and the latest prey of the Hirogen; Species 8472. Now, Janeway debates whether to unleash the Hirogen hunter to save herself and her ship, or help the Species 8472 get back to its own dimension.
While obtaining new weapons for which to fight the Hirogen from an alien weapons merchant named Kovin, Seven of Nine accuses him of attacking her and stealing nanoprobes.
The Killing Game, Part 1:
Voyager is captured by the Hirogen and Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Paris, Torres, Neelix and Seven are forced to play characters in deadly holodeck games.
The Killing Game, Part 2:
While the Voyager crew/Allies fight off the Hirogen/Germans, Janeway, Seven, the Doctor and Kim attempt to deactivate the Hirogen mind control devices, and retake the ship.
Vis a Vis:
Voyager takes on board an alien named Steth who can switch bodies.
The Omega Directive:
Janeway and crew embarks on a secret Starfleet mission to destroy a mysterious particle known as Omega to save the Quadrant.
Chakotay falls in love with a beautiful woman who is fleeing from a xenophobic race who will stop at nothing to prevent her from escaping.
Living Witness:
700 years in the future, the Doctor is charged with crimes that are supposedly attributed to the Voyager crew.
Upcoming Episodes:
Demon: Perilously low on deuterium fuel, Voyager has to switch to "Grey Mode"--many decks shut down, non-essentials offline,
essentials at a minimum...but just as Astrometrics is about to shut down, Seven finds a "Demon-class" planet rich in
deuterium. "Demon-class" planets, as Class-Y planets are commonly known, emit ship-zapping thermionic discharges,
and have high temperatures, toxic gases--hellish conditions on the surface; it's not even safe to orbit. But since the
situation is desperate, with the help of Seven Voyager's shields are modified to try to repel the discharges so they can
approach the planet.
When trying to beam up the deuterium doesn't work, Harry Kim volunteers himself and Tom Paris to fly a modified
shuttle to the surface and, wearing modified environmental suits, collect the deuterium. They find that the deut is
concentrated in a viscous, freezing cold metallic fluid that's found in pools on the surface. Harry is pulled in somehow, but
Tom rescues him...only to find that their suits have been compromised by the fluid; they stumble towards their shuttle (the
Demon planet makes surface-to-ship communications impossible), but collapse, unconscious and running out of oxygen.
Running out of alternatives and worrying about Harry and Tom, Janeway decides to land the ship--they're stuck there
anyway, so might as well put them in close reach of the deuterium and Tom and Harry. After Voyager has a rough
landing, Seven and Chakotay, in environmental suits, search for their comrades in a cave; Chakotay slips and falls down
a steep slope toward a pool of the metallic fluid--Seven grabs an arm, but starts getting pulled down, too, until another
hand--a BARE HAND--catches Chakotay's other arm and yanks him to safety. It's Tom Paris, and he's not in an
environmental suit, giddy and thriving in the Demon planet's toxic atmosphere. Paris tells about how he and Kim (who's
deeper into the cave, collecting deuterium) fell unconscious, then woke up, without the suits, feeling exhilarated. Harry
and Tom are happy--too happy, and Chakotay is concerned; Janeway has Harry and Tom beamed aboard the ship--no
sooner do they do so than they start choking on Voyager's air. Investigation by the Doctor reveals that the liquid is now
part of their system and has "bioformed" them--made them adapt to the planet, but now that they can breathe the planet's
air, Voyager's air is now deadly to them--and the process appears to be irreversible; Tom and Harry are kept alive in
sickbay, sealed off by a forcefield with some of the planet's gases.
Since the planet's unique atmosphere can't be replicated...the only option would be to load up on the planet's gases
before they leave, and that would only last Tom and Harry a little while. Janeway sends Seven, Chakotay and Harry
back out to the planet to learn more, while B'Elanna and Janeway run tests on samples of the fluid...large amounts of
which, strangely, are gathering beneath Voyager...
As B'Elanna and Janeway discover that the fluid is biomimetic (can morph to mimic organic objects), Chakotay, Seven,
and Harry make a startling discovery on the planet--they find TOM and HARRY, in their environmental suits, barely
alive! Just then the lake of fluid beneath Voyager starts pulling it in--Janeway orders the ship to tank up on the gases for
"Tom" and "Harry," prepares for an emergency lift-off (they've gotten a chance to refuel by this time) and summons the
away team back...but just as they're about to beam aboard, what we now realize is a duplicate of Kim flees. Janeway
figures out by now that the mimetic fluid has somehow created duplicates of Tom and Harry that can exist on the planet.
Voyager tries to lift off, but is overwhelmed by the fluid and begins to sink into it, threatening the lives of those onboard.
Tuvok finds a way to damage and weaken the fluid using nadion beams. The duplicate Kim comes aboard, pleading to
Janeway not to harm the fluid--a nonsentient lifeform that is now instinctively looking for living creatures to duplicate,
which is why it's trying to pull down Voyager. Duplicate Kim--who has no intention of leaving the planet where he feels
he belongs--wants to start a new society on the planet, consisting of duplicates of the crew...even if it means killing the
originals. Janeway disagrees, but discovers an alternative when she deduces that all the fluid needs to do is "read" the
crew to create duplicates; the real Tom and Harry are proof that the originals need not die. So, sometime later, Voyager
lifts off and resumes its course, leaving behind on the planet duplicates of all the members of the crew to found a new
One: Voyager finds a large nebula in its path...it would take over a year to go around it, a little over a month to go through it.
The only problem is, the nebula is teeming with radiation that would kill the crew. Janeway makes a major decision--she
and the rest of the crew place themselves in a special Cryo-containment that will protect them from the radiation, while
the Doctor and Seven of Nine (who is physically immune to the radiation thanks to her Borgness) are left to pilot the ship
through the nebula.
The trip is complicated when the radiation begins to mutate the bioneural gel packs and damage the ship--the Doctor's
mobile emitter goes on the fritz, too, confining him to the sickbay, and he and Seven, not the two warmest and friendliest
personalities on the ship, start getting on each other's nerves and fighting...so, for most of the time, Seven alone is running
the ship. Weeks of being alone, perhaps combined with an unanticipated side-effect of the radiation, threaten Seven's
sanity--she hallucinates aliens, other Borg, visions of crewmembers disfigured by radiation, but she struggles through.
The radiation damages Voyager's fuel tanks as well, causing them to leak--Voyager is losing power fast. Seven faces
having to shut off some of the cryo-chambers--which would slowly kill some of her crewmates as a result--to get enough
power to maintain the warp field. She shuts off ten of the cryo-chambers, but at the last minute, reinitializes them, saving
the lives of the crewmembers inside--and instead shuts off life support to get the power, choosing to sacrifice herself so
the ship can make it through the nebula.
Voyager makes it through in the nick of time for the Doctor to revive the crew and save Seven's life, of course.
Hope and Fear: A very, very smart alien named Arturis comes on board Voyager --his race is very, very smart and are adept at linguistics and communication. He does them a big favor by deciphering the encrypted Starfleet message Voyager received in "Hunters".
Though fragmented, enough of the message is deciphered to reveal instructions directing Voyager to travel to nearby coordinates. There, it is to rendezvous with the USS Dauntless, NX-01A...an unmanned starship with experimental spacefolding, quantum-slipstream technology (far superior to warp drive) enabling it to travel to the Delta Quadrant within a couple of months! The message had been encrypted, of course, so aliens from either quadrant wouldn�t learn about the Dauntless and try to get to it before Voyager did.
Voyager does find the Dauntless hanging out at the established coordinates--it�s been rather damaged by its trip, and needs major repairs before it can make the trip back. Nonetheless, the crew is elated --except for Seven, who is not too comfortable with the possibility of going home and having to deal with all those humans. Several of the crew
go over to the Dauntless to make the repairs.
Well, you know what they say about things that seem too good to be true. Harry Kim discovers some technology in the engine room of the Dauntless that couldn�t have originated from the Alpha Quadrant. Further investigation reveals that the Dauntless itself didn�t come from the Alpha Quadrant--it was built by Arturis as a trap! He is one of the few survivors of an advanced race that was assimilated by the Borg shortly after Voyager helped the Borg eliminate the Species 8472 threat, and he blames Voyager for the extermination of his species. Obsessed with revenge, he�s followed Voyager�s progress
and learned about the encrypted message. He and his fellow survivors then fashioned the Dauntless out of one of their own ships, and plotted to have Arturis come aboard Voyager and fake a translation of the encrypted message. Once Voyager�s crew had transferred to the Dauntless, the plan was to send the Dauntless on a preprogrammed nonstop trip BACK into Borg space, where the crew would get their just desserts.
Thanks to Harry�s discovery, the plan falls apart and the crew doesn�t switch ships; but Arturis kidnaps Seven and Janeway, takes them on board the Dauntless, and activates the trap--his original plan won�t work, and he himself is now doomed to assimilation, but at least he�ll take Seven and Janeway with him. Voyager gives chase, pushing its engines to
the breaking point and putting the crew in danger, but fortunately Seven and Janeway manage to escape and sabotage the Dauntless long enough for Voyager to match speed, beam Janeway and Seven back on board, and reverse course, leaving Arturis on his one-way trip to Borgdom.
While Voyager has wound up doubling back, and now has to make up all that distance, all is not lost; Janeway and Seven wind up bonding through the experience, and now have a better understanding of each other (together they even play a holodeck game that�s a cross between racquetball and skeetshooting with phasers at the end of the ep). And they also
manage to make a true translation of the Starfleet encrypted message--Starfleet�s sorry it can�t help them right now, but does give them a lot of info about what lies ahead for Voyager on its way home.

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