

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
Caretaker, Part 1:
The USS Starship Voyager, captained by renowned Starfleet commander Kathryn Janeway, is sent on a mission to rescue a renegade Maquis ship from "The Badlands", a dangerous region of space. An inexplicable force transports both ships to a distant, uncharted region of space.
Caretaker, Part 2:
When the Voyager finds they have lost a crew member, and so have the Maquis, they must band together to find them before their opportunity to go home is lost. They end up meeting a hostile race named the Kazon who want the Voyager replication technology badly. To get home, the Voyager crew has to sacrifice the Ocampan race.
The Starship Voyager encounters a quantum singularity and what appears to be another ship in jeopardy. In their attempts to rescue the vessel, the crew comes to realize that it is they who are trapped, and the race begins to free themselves before the ship is destroyed.
Time and Again:
The Starship Voyager experiences a shock wave in space, a wave set off by a huge explosion on a nearby planet. When they beam down to investigate, they discover all life has been eradicated. In addition, they discover subspace fractures which ultimately transport Captain Janeway and Lt. Paris back in time to right before the explosion. They must discover a way to avert the catastrophe to save their lives.
In their continuing for a source of dilithium crystals that could be used to supplement the Voyager's power core, the crew of the Starship come upon a planet that seems replete with the substance. Upon closer examination, they find that the place is really a base for a strange
alien culture that must steal bodily organs to fight the "phage," a disease that eats away at their bodies and destroys their organs. Neelix falls prey to them, and the race is on to save his life.
The Cloud:
While investigating what they believe to be a nebula in search of fuel, the crew of Voyager discovers that they have in fact entered and injured a new life form, which they must help heal as they try to escape.
Eye of the Needle:
The Voyager crew becomes hopeful when they encounter a small wormhole through which they communicate with a Romulan science vessel on the other side ... in the Alpha Quadrant.
Ex Post Facto:
Upon visiting a world in the midst of a war with a neighboring planet, Lt. Tom Paris finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit . . .his sentence - to relive the crime from the victim's point-of-view every 14 hours for the rest of his life. It is up to Tuvok to prove his
innocence by using the Vulcan Mind-Meld before this sentence destroys his sanity.
While exploring an alien race's burial ground, Kim is transported to the culture's homeworld...and his only way back is...dead.
Prime Factors:
The crew of Voyager encounters an alien race that may hold the key to their return home.
State of Flux:
When Voyager finds the wreckage of a Kazon ship they investigate further, finding evidence of usage of a Federation-class replicator, which leads the crew to believe that a traitor is on board.
Heroes and Demons:
When people start disappearing on the holodeck, the EMH faces death and danger on the holodeck to save them.
Tuvok is attacked by aliens who take over the mind and Chakatoy must fight to save his life and the life of the crew.
Lt. Torres is captured by the Phage aliens and split into two separate beings - one Klingon, the other human - and only one will survive.
Neelix is confronted by the Haakonian scientist named Ma'bor Jetrel, the man responsible for creating the Metreon Cascade, a device that was used to annihilate a major portion of the Talaxian race, including Neelix' own family.
Learning Curve:
When several former Maquis crew members break Federation rules, and it is up to Tuvok to train them in the finer points of Star Fleet protocol and discipline in order to reestablish harmony among Voyager's crew.

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