

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
The Motion Picture
Wrath of Khan
The Search for Spock
The Voyage Home
The Final Frontier
The Undiscovered Country
First Contact

Release Date: December 7, 1979
An alien phenomenon of unprecedented size and power is approaching Earth, destroying everything in its path. The only
starship in range is the U.S.S. Enterprise--still in drydock after a major overhaul. As Captain Decker readies his ship and
his crew to face this menace, the legendary Admiral James T. Kirk arrives with orders to take command of the
Enterprise and intercept the intruder. But it has been three years since Kirk last commanded the Enterprise on its historic
five year mission...is he up to the task of saving the Earth?

Release Date: June 4, 1982
It is the twenty-third century. Admiral James T. Kirk is feeling old; the prospect of accompanying his old ship the
Enterprise--now a Starfleet Academy training ship--on a two-week cadet cruise is not making him feel any younger. But
the training cruise becomes a deadly serious mission when Khan appears after years of exile--and holding the power of
creation itself...

Release Date: June 1, 1984
The Enterprise returns to Earth and is ordered to be decommissioned. Kirk discovers through Sarek that Spock's soul
has been deposited in Dr McCoy's mind as part of an ancient Vulcan custom. This rite dictates that Spock's body and
soul must be taken to Vulcan for their final resting place. Kirk requests to take the Enterprise to Genesis to retrieve
Spock's body. When he is refused, he along with Scott, Sulu, Chekov and McCoy steal the Enterprise and head for
Genesis. Meanwhile David Marcus and Saavic who are part of a team studying the Genesis planet, discover Spock has
been regenerated and is alive in a child's body. This body is however rapidly aging. Before they can return to their ship it
is destroyed by a Klingon who wants the Genesis device for a weapon. The Klingons then capture them and use them as
hostages when the Enterprise arrives. After a brief firefight the Klingons kill David forcing Kirk to abandon and destroy
the Enterprise in the pretence of surrender. This kills most of the Klingons when their boarding party is trapped on the
self-destructing Enterprise. On the Genesis planet Kirk frees the hostages and after a struggle kills the Klingon captain.
He then tricks the remaining Klingon into beaming him onto the Klingon ship which he then commandeers. They then flee
the Genesis planet which is rapidly self-destructing, and head for Vulcan where Spock's body (now at it's proper age) is
reunited with it's soul through another Vulcan ritual.

Release Date: November 26, 1986
Kirk's crew head for Earth in their captured Klingon ship to face trial for their actions in rescuing Spock. However Earth
is under attack from an alien space probe. To save Earth Kirk and his crew head back to 20th Century Earth in order to
bring back some "Humpback" whales.

The Enterprise is ordered to the planet Nimbus III where representatives of various governments including Federation,
Romulan and Klingon are being held captive by a Spock's half brother Sybok, who is a Vulcan terrorist. Unfortunately
the Enterprise undergoing extensive repairs and the rescue attempt fails resulting in Sybok, capturing the Enterprise.
Sybok then uses some form of telepathic control to turn the crew to his cause and send the Enterprise through the Great
Barrier in a quest to find god on the legendery planet Sha Ka Ree. Unfortunately this god turns out to be more of a devil
and Sybok is killed saving the others. A Klingon ship aids in Kirk's rescue with Spock in command.

After the destruction of a Klingon moon the Klingons sue for peace. The Enterprise is sent to escort the Klingon
Chancellor to the peace talks. However the Klingon ship is apparently fired on by the Enterprise and the chancelor killed
by 2 unidentified Enterprise crewmen. Kirk and McCoy are held reponsible by the Klingons for this and are sent to a
prison planet called Rura Pente. Meanwhile Spock tries to find the true cause of the attack, rescue Kirk and McCoy and
save the Chancellor's daughter from assassination as she strives to complete the peace deal.

Kirk, Scotty and Chekov are invited to the launching of the newest ship to bear the name Enterprise, NCC - 1701 - B.
It is an Excelsior class starship. During it's maiden voyage, which was only to be a show trip, the Enterprise is forced into
a rescue for which it is ill prepared. With Kirk's advice the ship manages to rescue the crew of one of two ships which
are destroyed by an energy wave. However the Enterprise itself is then trapped by the wave and Kirk is apparenty killed
freeing the ship. Eigthy years later the Enterprise D crew are celebrating the promotion of Worf to Lt Commander when
Picard is informed of the deaths of his brother and nephew. After he leaves the celebrations are interupted again when
the ship is called to the rescue of a research station which is under attack.
Aboard is a mad scientist named Tolian Soran, an old acquaintance of Guinan's, who wishes to enter the energy wave which killed his family seventy eight years ago. In league with Soran are the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor. Now, Picard must stop Soran before he enacts his mad plan, and the only person who can help him is Captain James T. Kirk...

As the movie starts off
with Picard having a nightmare about his time as and with the Borg when he was Locutus, as well as a very faint memory
of the Borg Queen ( Who it turns out actually made and/or was responsible for Locutus' coming into being as he wanted
a soul mate as it were). After waking up from his little nightmare Picard receives a message from Star fleet that he Borg
are attacking but Picard already knows or senses this, yes he is unable to do anything as he is sent away to patrol the
Neutral zone ( Star fleet is worried about Picard and his subsequent involvement with the Borg).
While Picard and the rest of the Enterprise are patrolling the Neutral zone, the Borg engage several dozen ships near
earth, including the Defiant commanded by Worf. Upon hearing that just about all of earth's/Star fleet's star ships
are destroyed and/or crippled by the Borg, Picard orders the crew of the Enterprise E to head back to earth and engage
the Borg ( No crew members disagree with Picard's violation of a star fleet direct order, as usual). When the finally
arrive near earth, the Defiant is almost completely destroyed and Worf is preparing to ram the ship into the Borg cube as
a last ditch attempt ( today is a good day to die). But just as they are going to do that the enterprise beams over the
Worf and the Defiant's crew takes over command of what
remains of the fleet and orders everyone to fire upon a specific point at the Borg cube that seemingly has no strategic
value. But it turns out that the area the remaining ships were concentrating their fire on was actually quite a vital area and
the entire Borg ship explodes, but not before a single Borg cube is launched on a direct course towards earth.
During all this destruction and chaos the Enterprise E is apparently the only ship to notice this and follows the cube which
has started the process of generating huge amounts of chronometric particles in an attempt to travel through time, and
which they eventually do. The Enterprise being caught in the wake of their initial time distortion wave as the Borg travel
through time to change earth's past, which is evident by the fact that earth now scans at having 9 million people-all Borg!
Before the time space rift closes, Picard orders the enterprise through the rift in order to Follow the Borg and correct any
changes that they have made to the time line. Both the Borg and the Enterprise arrive back in or around the year 2060, shortly after the third world war around the 11th or so of April ( the day before first contact with
the Vulcans). As the Borg plan to prevent the flight of the very first warp drive, which results in earth's first contact with
the Vulcan race. Which they attempt to accomplish by shooting at and essentially decimating the former nuclear missile
compound in Montana that served as the production ground for Zephram Cochranes initial prototype warp drive ( Both
Cochrane and Lily Sloane are leaving a bar as they are fired upon by the Borg and flee back to the missile
compound/warp drive star ship hanger).
The Enterprise seeing this taking place, quickly fires upon the Borg sphere and completely destroys it before it can do
any more damage to the missile compound below. Picard, Crusher, Troi, Data and a whole bunch of other never before
seen crew members then beam down to the planet in order to see the extent of the damage once they realized the
significance of the date and location of the Borg's last attack. As the Picard is determined not to let first contact not
happen, and vows to do anything in his power to make sure that it happens as well as that the Borg do not succeed in
way whatsoever! Shortly after they beam down in civilian garb, Picard and data find Lily Sloane as who promptly fires
upon them with a machine gun. Data who is apparently bullet proof takes several rounds and then utters greetings to Lily
Sloane, who promptly faints dead away. She is then beamed back aboard the Enterprise along with Dr.Crusher as she
has sustained some minor injuries the earlier Borg attack. The Captain tells crusher to make sure that lily stays sedated so
she will have no knowledge that she is on board a starship from the future.
The away team realizes that the prototype warp drive has sustained some initial damage and is in need of repairs, as well
as the fact that James Cochrane is no where to be found. So Geordi is asked to beam down with a team of engineers to
fix the warp drive, who is in the midst of trying to figure out why the environmental controls on deck 16 are acting up as
the humidity is rising for some unknown reason. Riker and Troi then begin
to look for Cochrane as he is the one who is destined to be the maiden voyage of the warp drive that leads to first
contact with the Vulcans.
Meanwhile back on the enterprise several engineers are working on trying to fix the environmental controls for deck 16,
when on of them notices movement in one of the jeffries tubes. Which of course turns out to be a Borg who promptly
assimilates him as well as the other engineer that was assigned to the same area ( it now takes a simple touch from the
Borg in order for one to be assimilated as they apparently inject nanotech robots and/or probes directly into the humans
bloodstream/nervous system and take them over in a matter of seconds it seems). Picard because of his former affiliation
with the Borg can sense what is happening and orders the primary away team back to the ship, leaving Troi, Riker,
Geordi and some other engineers behind to look for Cochrane as well as continue repairs on the prototype warp drive.
Once back on the ship Picard is convinced that the Borg have somehow beamed aboard the Enterprise before their
Borg sphere was destroyed without the Enterprise's knowledge. As the humidity and temperature on deck 16 is exactly
like that of the Borg ship/collective, but just before they can do anything to try and prevent the Borg from encroaching on
more of the ship. All defense/offense, transportation communication functions are rerouted to main engineering by the
Borg who now completely control deck 16, which is where main engineering is. Picard then quickly orders Data to
encrypt and lock out all remaining command functions so that the Borg cannot do anything more than they already have,
which proves to be initially successful.
Meanwhile in sickbay the Borg are attempting to gain access by smashing their way in through the main door. Dr.
Crusher seeing no other options wakes Lily Slone so she can leave sickbay through a jeffries tube under her own power,
who in turn totally freaks out waking up aboard a starship. Still Crusher, Nurse Ogawa and her team manage to get lily
an the rest of her team out moments before the Borg gain entry. As Crusher activated the emergency medical
holographic Doctor as a distraction, which bought her and her crew a few moments. While making there way through the jeffries tubes, Lily splits from Crusher's group and goes her own
way as she is still a little bit freaked out by it all.
While this is all going on Picard, Data, Worf and a security detail go down to deck 16 and try to see how much damage
has been done and if there is anything that they can do to regain access to main engineering. For they plan to sabotage
the warp drive conduit and release a flood of radiation which will prove to be severely destructive to all organic material
that it comes into contact with, which will subsequently destroy the organic components of the Borg. So now newly
armed to the teeth with alternating pulse photon rifles, Picard and his security detail soon come upon the now completely
Borgafied deck 16 and encounter the Borg who as usual initially ignore them ( The newly designed/upgraded Borg look
great, as they appear to be much more a blend of man and machine then they ever have. Plus they are way more
frightening and/or sinister looking than they ever were before).
Softly after Picard and his security detail have entered deck 16 through one of the connecting jeffries tubes, Dr. Crusher
and what's left of her medical team come out of a nearby jeffries tube and encounter Picard and Worf and the rest of the
security detail. Who in turn almost shoot at them on sight, Dr. Crusher and her team are then quickly told how to get
back to the bridge without encountering the now Borg occupied/assimilated areas of the ship ( the Borg now control
several key levels of the enterprise, but are still situated in main engineering). But before leaving Crusher tells Picard
about how Lily separated from her group and makes him promise to find her as she is innocent in all of this and has no
idea what is really going on.
After crusher and her team are safely out of harms way, Picard and his team continue to try and regain manual access to
engineering, which of course makes the seemingly inactive Borg very active as they subsequently attack the security detail
and start assimilating everyone they come into contact with one by one ( The assimilation process is relatively quick
compared to how long it took to assimilate Picard back in the original STTNG series episode "Best of Both Worlds," as
all the Borg are now apparently capable of injecting nanotech robots or probes into any human they can touch through
small tendrils that extend form the forearms or hands, which upon insertion almost immediately starts to work on
reprogramming or assimilating any and all humanoid life).
The security detail fires off as many rounds as they can before the Borg adapt to the random pulse modulated photon
rifles, which really didn't take all that long, and then has to resort to hand to hand combat. The better fighters being Worf
and Data, who is doing the most damage as he is able to crack several necks as well as throwing Borg across the room
left and right like they were mere paper weights. While most of the security detail in comparison is simply left to the
mercy of the Borg and subsequently quickly assimilated.
At last when it is painfully obvious that they cannot regain control of main engineering or continue to fight against so many
Borg as well as they recently Borgafied fellow crew mates, the remaining security detail retreats. But not before the very
same main engineering door that Data was attempting to unlock, opens just enough so his legs can be seized by the Borg
inside who then drag him under and shut the doors. Thus Data becomes a prisoner of the Borg, and Captain Picard
watches helplessly as this all takes place. Still in a state of shock it seems, Picard is the last one to in his team to retreat
into the relative safety of a nearby Jeffries tube. But not before he hears a fellow crew man who is in the process of being
assimilated beg for help, as the tine nanotech probes wind their way through the flesh of his face and neck ( It basically
looked like tiny gray worms moving through the surface of his face). Which Picard's grants him in the way of a quick
death and merciful death by close range phaser fire!
Back on Earth at roughly the same time, no one has any idea that the Enterprise E is in danger at all as all communication
has been shut off. Plus they have other things to deal with as it seems that Troi has finally found Zephram Cochrane, who
is ( a total) drunk in a bar listening to very loud rock and roll music. As is she, for Cochrane wouldn't even talk to Troi or
acknowledge her presence until she had a drink with him and subsequently did several shots of tequila. So Riker finds
them both together and of course gets a quite a perverse kick out of seeing counselor Troi totally plastered and
somewhat out of control, which was actually a pretty funny scene overall ( And unfortunately Troi's only real or
memorable scene throughout the whole movie).
After some initial discussion they both finally decide to tell Cochrane the truth about what is going on, as he apparently
wouldn't believe any of the cover stories that Troi attempted to tell him earlier in order to spare him knowledge of future
events. Such as the fact that they have to make sure that Cochrane is in his prototype warp drive makeshift starship
come the following day. As that is when he is set to make his first warp drive flight, which will result in earth being
discovered by a nearby Vulcan survey expedition. upon hearing all of this he of course freaks out a bit and subsequently
does not handle any of it very well, especially since all the engineering staff from the enterprise seems to look at him as if
he were some kind of revered saint. Which really creeps Cochrane out, especially when Lt. Reginald Barkly keeps
following him around like a little lost puppy ( The second of three cameos in the film). Plus unfortunately it seems that
Cochrane only really wanted to build his warp drive prototype starship in order to make money, not start a new era of
peace and harmony in the universe for all of mankind as most people in history have been lead to believe.
While Picard is trekking his way through the intricate maze of jeffries tubes trying his best to stay one step ahead of the
ever perusing Borg, Picard is suddenly caught from behind by Lily Sloane. Who has fashioned a makeshift garrote and is
using it to strangle Picard, who as a result drops his hand phaser and which Lily quickly picks up and points at Picard.
Demanding that he tell her where she is and what faction he is associated with, as she believes this all to be some kind of
terrorist plot to kill her and her faction back on/from Billings, Montana. Picard assures her that he is not associated with
any faction and that she must trust him and do as he say. She in turns says, "Get me out of here or I start pushing
buttons!" The Captain reluctantly complies with her strong armed demands and leads her away in a connecting jeffries
tube, still shadowed by the Borg every step of the way.
Lily continues to demand what is going on and just who Captain Picard is or who he is working for as they both make
there way through the jeffries tubes. Finally stopping near an observation or maintenance platform, as Captain Picard tell
hers that they are aboard a starship and that the Enterprise E is actually here to help. Lily of course does not believe him
until he opens up a airlock and shows her a an extremely close orbital view of the Earth, at which point she practically
drops the phaser into Picard's awaiting hands. He then tells her that it was set on maximum setting, and would have
completely vaporized him instantly. After briefly explaining what is going on, the two of them make there way back to
main bridge and are greeted by Worf, Dr. Crusher and Lt. Hawke at gun point as they attempt to exist the jeffries tube.
Upon there arrival they are quickly briefed on everything that has been going on and how the Borg now control more
than half of the ship, yet they have stopped at deck 11 for some reason which Worf find puzzling.
Meanwhile Data seemingly awakes upon a cold flat semi circular table, where he is being held in restraints against his will
by the Borg. Who have apparently been tampering with him while he was deactivated. Soon after which point he is introduced to the never before seen Borg queen,
who at first is only a disembodied head suspended up above on cables. As she starts to speak and introduce herself to
Data, she is lowered into an awaiting semi seductive mechanical body. Data is initially surprised
when the queen keeps referring to herself as "I" instead of "WE," as up until now there has been no real or true
individuality among the Borg as they are all just mindless drones serving the collective. The Borg Queen quickly starts
about task of trying to seduce Data into seeing things her way, teasing him about wanting to be human as he is already so
much more or better than ordinary humans. Data of course resists her, as he knows that she only wants him to give her
the encryption codes so she can finally take complete control of the Enterprise E. Sensing that her attempts are lacking in
effect, the Borg queen switches Data's emotion chip back on. Which causes Data to get somewhat nervous, especially
after he learns that the Borg Queen has grated real organic skin onto his. Thus giving him a whole new set of physical
sensations to experience, especially when the Borg Queen blows on the hairs of his newly grafted organic peace of
forearm skin on Data's right arm. Data then uses his one free arm to unlock his remaining restraints an attack and kill his nearby captors in his attempt to escape, which is
quickly halted when one of Borg jailers slashes at his newly acquired skin. As Data, totally unaccustomed to the true
sensation or feelings of pain, reels in agony and cradles his recently cut right arm. Which apparently amuses the Borg
queens, as she challenges Data to rip off her gift if he truly does not wish have anything to do with her or to be part for
her collective, for if this is what he truly wants she and her Borg minions will not stand in her way. Data simply continues
to cradle his arm and do nothing, as he is reshackled to the restraining device.
Picard, Lt. Worf and Lt. Hawke suit up and prepare to
go outside the ship to stop the Borg from accomplishing their mission. As they figured out from the fact that the Borg
stopped assimilating the ship once they got to deck 11, that the Borg are planning to use the main deflector dish as signal
device to signal the Borg of the 21st century by modifying it's output with some devices of their own. As the Borg of the
21st century should still be in the delta quadrant and as a result are not supposed to know that Earth even exists at this
point. After walking for a bit in zero gravity boots, Picard and his team come upon several Borg who at present are
ignoring them, continuing to work upon they assigned task. Picard then informs everyone that they can actually release
the part of the main deflector dish that the Borg are currently modifying, though it will take some time as they have to do
it manually.
Picard, Worf and Lt. Hawke then each take opposite sides of the dish and begin the process of engaging the manual
release links, apparently triggering the Borg's attention with each move until each one in turn is attacked by a Borg. Worf
being the first one, who in turn cuts off the Borg arm with a knife he had on him. As the Borg quickly adapted his photon
rifle, which essentially rendered it useless. But just as he struck the killing blow to his assailant, the Borg manages to
slightly tear open Worf's suit near his leg, thus giving him roughly 45 seconds until explosive decompression. Meanwhile
both Picard and Lt. Hawke have been attacked by the Borg, so they are unable to help Worf as he is seemingly left to
his death in the vacuum of space.
Lily rushes into Picard's ready room, where he is busy hurrily remodulating a photon rifle, determined to make Picard see
reason and give up what she believes to be his mad quest for revenge. Lily confronts Picard and tells him if there is a way
that we can get off this ship and blow it up then we have to do that, there is no other option as anything else would be
While standing on the bridge of the Enterprise E, looking at his ship for perhaps the last time. Picard hears a voice in his
head from the collective, though it sounds nothing like a Borg voice as it is Data's voice. Picard then quickly meets up
with the remaining crew members who are climbing into the awaiting escape pods and jettisoning out into space towards
earth. There meets up with Lily and gives her a message for Riker and tells her to tell everyone from the crew to settle
down in North America and try to get involved in anything that would alter earth's history at all. Lily in turn says her
good-byes and thanks him for all he has done, but then quickly realizes that Picard is not leaving the ship as he has
initially intended or said he would. For Lily reminded him that he owed it to Data and their subsequent friendship to try
and save him from the Borg if he could, as he knows full what will happen to Data if the Borg succeed in making him a
part of their collective.
As all the remaining escape pods eject from the hull of the Enterprise E and speed towards earth, Picard makes his way
to main engineering. All Borg who encounter him either ignore him or allow him free access, as the Borg Queen wants
Picard to join her and her Borg in engineering. Soon after Picard enters Main engineering he is confronted by the Queen,
who Picard now remembers was responsible for creating Locutus. As it turns out that the Borg Queen wanted an equal
to rule her collective side by side, and had initially chosen Picard to be her Borg king. But he rejected her, as he would
not willing submit to her desires and give himself freely to her collective. A little something that really pissed the Queen
off, as she wanted Picard to see that she had won and that Data was now her King. As Data's entire forearm now had
skin grafts as well as more than a quarter of his face. Upon seeing this Picard offers himself to the Queen if she will only
spare Data's life and let him go, to which she accepts. As she apparently has the quite hots for Picard or once did, and
enjoys the idea that Picard is now so willing to give himself to her when once he was not. But when she tells Data that he
can leave he surprises Picard by saying that he doesn't want to and that he plans to stay by his Queen's side. And just to
prove this little fact Data freely gives the encryption codes for the Enterprise E to the Borg Queen and deactivates the
self destruct countdown when she asks him to, thus giving the Borg queen complete and total control over the entire
Enterprise E. Which she then orders to move in on the swiftly departing prototype warp drive starship that Cochrane,
Riker and Geordi are aboard. As the Borg Queen plans to blow it up before it can reach warp speed. Picard then
watches helplessly as Data locks onto the small craft and begins to fire a barrage of Quantum torpedoes in it's wake.
Surprising though all of Data's quantum torpedoes miss their intended target and speed off harmlessly into space as
Cochrane's starship achieves warp at long last. The Borg Queen realizing Data's betrayal, screams out his name. Who in
turn rushes over to Picard and releases him from his bonds and then quickly over to the warp conduit, which he then
smashes with his bare right arm uttering, "Resistance if futile!" The warp conduit shatters and a rush of toxic radiation
bellows forth and completely floods engineering, destroying all organic material it comes into contact with. Picard
knowing what would happen if his skin came into contact with the toxic green radioactive gas, jumps up and grabs one of
the numerous cables that earlier suspended the Borg Queen's upper body and head and attempts to climb his way to
safety. But no sooner than he has started to climb out of harms way, he is grasped by the Borg Queen who is also trying
to climb out of harm's way by using Picard as a ladder ( Or she just wants to make him lose his grip and kill him, either
one works so take your pick). But just as it seems that the Borg queen is about to make Picard fall off into the
radioactive plasma/gas, Data reaches out with his now skinless arm and face and pries the Queen away from Picard and
into the destructive radioactive plasma gas.
Picard then climbs to a nearby level and clears away all the radioactive plasma/gas by sucking it out into various
ventilation chambers or vents. When the radioactive gas clears, all that is left on the floor of engineering is
the disgarded mechanical husks of the Borg and the Borg Queen, who is apparently still somewhat functional. Seeing
this, Picard snaps what little is left of the Queen's spine. Afterwards Picard find Data slumped in a corner and goes over
to his friend to make sure he is Okay, as half of Data's face is completely exposed. Picard then acts if Data was ever
truly contemplating accepting the Borg Queen's offer, and Data replies, "For approximately .0897 seconds, which is a
long time for an android."
Shortly after everything is squared away on the ship, the remaining crewman are beamed back on board the Enterprise
E. But not before Picard, Lily, Riker, Geordi, and Troi bare witness to the Vulcan survey team descent and subsequent landing in
Billings, Montana. And as the Vulcan survey ship makes it final
approach and touch down, Picard thanks Lily for all that she has done as well as says his good-byes to her. Which she
graciously accepts and wishes Picard would somehow be able to stay for awhile as she envies all that he has done and all
the grand adventures he will have in the future. While he says that she is actually the lucky one as she is a part of the real
adventure, as she is going to be there when starfleet and everything is first created as well as implemented. Finally at
Riker's encouragement, Cochcrane with Lily in hand, approaches the now landed Vulcan survey ship as the Vulcan
inhabitants emerge from their ship and greet Zephram Cochrane and his fellow human beings. Thus first contact was
made and the birth of a nation as well as a dream is assured! The crew of the Enterprise E beams back up the Enterprise
E, as Zephram Cochrane and the first Vulcan on earth exchange greetings ( Cochrane attempts to do the Vulcan salute
but cannot manage it and resorts to a hand shake and a simple "Thanks," to the Vulcan's, "Live long and prosper."
Back aboard the Enterprise E. Worf assures Commander Riker that the Earth's sun did indeed obscure their warp
signature and energy from the Vulcan's survey ship and that they have gone completely undetected. Just as Geordi
informs Riker and the Captain that they are well under way to reproducing the chronometric particles the Borg used to
travel through time, so they can get back to their own respective time and original timeline. While the Enterprise E leaves
Earth's orbit, Lily looks to the skies with a sense of awe and wonder that she didn't originally have before she met the
captain of the Enterprise E and her crew. While on the other hand Cochrane is busy introducing the Vulcan's to the
conceptof drinking tequila shots and listening to rock and roll music, which of course does not amuse the Vulcans at all (In fact they seem rather disturbs by it all). The camera then pulls back from all of Cochrane, Lily and the Vulcan's in a
makeshift bar, further and further until even the larger compound in Billings, Montana is but a tiny microscopic blur. Thus
ending the movie on a very positive and uplifting note.
You may view the complete synopsis here

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