

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
The original Enterprise
Enterprise-D, NCC-1701D
Original Series shuttlecraft
Klingon D7 Battle Cruiser
Romulan Warbird, D'Deridex Class
Enterprise-D Bridge
Starfleet Headquarters
Klingon Bird of Prey
Next Generation Phaser
Phaser Type 1
Starfleet Commbadge
First Contact Teaser
Short version of last sequence of First Contact
First Contact trailer
Another short version of last sequence of First Contact
Short trailer of First Contact
First Contact segment seen on Entertainment Tonight
Defiant battles the Borg cube
Zefram and Riker in the Phoenix rocket
Data tries to escape
Data seduced by Borg Queen
Lily threatening Picard and Data
Enterprise-E saves the day
"We must follow them back..."
Data and Lily meet each other
Picard realizes his ship is being assimilated
Drunk Troi
Picard and Data in a corridor
Borg Queen entrance
Zephram and the Enterprise-E crew in the forest
Generations trailer
Voyager intro sequence
The Holographic Doc
Janeway destroys the Caretaker's array
A ship attacks Voyager
Battle between a Cardassian warship and a Maquis raider
Neelix is beamed aboadr Voyager for the first time
A bionic man
A duplicate Voyager explodes
Janeway becoming mad
Voyager departs Deep Space Nine
Chakotay flies his ship into a Kazon vessel
Opening theme and credits for TNG
Enterprise-D saucer seperation
Data kills a Borg
Enterprise-D destroys a Bird of Prey
Future Enterprise from All Good Things... destroys Klingon ships
DS9 Intro from Fourth Season
The battle of Wolf 359 from Benjamin Sisko's point of view
Odo morphing
A runabout flies into the wormhole
Kirk and Spock jump through the Guardian of Forever
Kirk fights the Gorn
Spock's death scene
Kirk and Sulu team up to destroy a prototype Klingon bird of prey
Picard playing a flute
First meeting with Lore
Station under attack by Klingons
Destruction of the Miranda class starships
Defiant breaks through
Total Destruction
Klingons to the rescue
Multi vector assault mode
Voyager collides with the Krenim time ship
Battle at Wolf 359
Defiant firing
Bird of Prey cloaking
Andorian Asteroids
Talarian Tetris
Cardassian Connect 4
Yridian Yahtzee
UFO Attack
Ship to Ship battle
Borg ship battle simulator
Enterprise-E flight simulator
Spinning Comm-badge
Spinning DS9
Spinning original Enterprise
Spinning Enterprise-A
Spinning Enterprise-B
Spinning Enterprise-C
Spinning Enterprise-D
Spinning Defiant
Spinning Voyager
Spinning Pasteur
Enterprise-D travels across screen and warps away
Original Enterprise flyby
Original Enterprise firing photon torpedoes
Original Enterprise firing blue phasers
Original Enterprise with firing phasers and flshing nacelles
Montage of the four ships from the four serieses
Enterprise-E flyby
Voyager flyby
Another Voyager flyby
Enterprise rotaing inside a clear globe
Enterprise-D going into warp
Bigger Enterprise-D going into warp
Enterprise-D warping towards camera
Rotating Daedulus class ship
Small Enterprise firing phasers
Original Enterprise flyby camera
Enterprise D and E schematics
Excelsior with flashing lights
Enterprise fires phasers and warps away
Original Enterprise flies towards the camera
A Klingon bird of prey cloaks and decloaks
Original Series BOP flies towards camera
A Borg cube flies up to the camera, turns around and speeds away
Borg ship with flashing lights
Spinning old style Klingon ship
Data shoots a Borg from First Contact
Defiant fighting some Jem'Hadar ships
Enterprise-D fighting a Klingon BOP
Enterprise flying into the sunset
Defiant attacking the Borg cube
Voyager getting hit by the Caretaker's probe
A couple of ships attacking the Borg at Wolf 359
Enterprise-D firing phasers
Future Enterprise from All Good Things...
Fleet attacking Borg cube from First Contact
Enterprise-D damages a Borg ship
Enterprise-D firing phasers
Enterprise-D destroying a small ship
Enterprise-D hit in Generations
Enterprise-E approaches the Borg cube
Klingon bird of prey being destroyed
Starfleet Command logo
Spinning TNG Comm-badge
Horizontally flipping Comm-badge
Spinning Comm-badge inside a spherical line
Spinning Comm-badge
Another spinning TNG comm-badge
Spinning alternate-reality comm-badge
Spinning metallic old-style comm-badge
Metallic Borg logo
30th anniversary logo being assimilated
Federation logo with flashing stars
Federation logo that fades in
TNG logo with a green glow
A 3D spinning delta
Spinning Ferengi logo
A ship warpinf across the screen
Enterprise-D flyby screen
Enterprise-D flying by the screen slowly
Original Enterprise destroys a Klingon ship
Enterprise-E flies across the screen
Original Enterprise destroying a Klingon BOP
Bird of Prey cloaks as it travels across the screen
Original Enterprise fights a Klingon BOP
Enterprise-D flies across the screen with flashing stars
Original Enterprise firing phasers
Enterprise-D firing phasers
Voyager going into warp
Original Enterprise flying from left to right
The lights under the viewscreen
Enterprise-D firing phasers
Original Enterprise firing phasers and moving right
Klingon style scanner display
Klingon style scanner display
Vertical Klingon style scanner display
Enterprise destroying a Borg cube
Spock raising an eyebrow
Tribbles falling on Kirk
Red Alert lights
DS9 Montage featuring Kira
Klingon knife
Scrolling LCARS style display
Bajoran Wormhole
Stars at warp
Master systems display
First Contact title
Spock and Kirk transporting
LCARS style display
Quark with moving eyes
The movie red alert screen
The words "Resistance is Futile" from the First Contact promo
Star Trek pictures on a TV screen
B'Elaana's head
Chakotay's head
Janeway's head
Open book with the TNG comm-badge (good for guestbooks)
A Klingon display with the phrase "Initialize Transmission"
Word "Guestbook" in LCARS style
Spinning E-Mail in DS9 font
Spinning E-Mail in TNG font
Spinning New in DS9 font
Spinning New in TNG font
Spinning New in TOS font
Updated in the movie font

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