

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
# 1:
Captain Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the Starship Voyager are transported by alien technology to the other side of the galaxy, years away from the Federation and everything they call home. There an enigmatic being known as the Caretaker kidnaps two crew members and transports them to a people known as the Ocampa. Captain Janeway must rescue her crew members, battle a hostile race called the Kazon-Ogla, and solve the mystery which surrounds the Caretaker, only to begin the fantastic voyage back to Earth.
# 2:
The Escape
The U.S.S. Voyager is in desperate trouble, her systems damaged, her warp engines failing.
Without immediate repairs the starship and her crew will be trapped forever between the stars. Captain Kathryn Janeway must guide her ship to an ancient, deserted planet that could hold the key to their survival -- a planet that is hiding more than one deadly secret.
# 3:
Hope flares for Captain Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager when their
sensors detect a signal that could lead them back home. But as the Starship Voyager races to the source of the signal, the crew find themselves in the middle of a raging battle between two warring races, a battle that has lasted for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
To journey homewards Captain Janeway and her crew must make their way through the most violent space-born conflict ever known, with both sides determined to destroy them.
# 4:
Under the guise of helping the crew find a way home, a group of aliens board the U.S.S. Voyager, and then steal the main computer. To get it back, Captain Janeway is forced to negotiate with the thieves -- who are from a consortium of planets where thievery is a way of life. But as Janeway and the crew fight to retrieve their computer in time to save the barely functioning ship, they become embroiled in a political battle that could not only destroy the U.S.S. Voyager, but the crew as well.
# 5:
Incident at Arbuk
Tracking a shuttle's distress signal to the nearly deserted Arbuk System, the U.S.S. Voyager crew encounters an unusual weapon a thousand times more powerful than the Starship. Inside the shuttle, the crew discovers an unconscious alien and no more information about the device. Captain Janeway and her crew are attacked by a group of mysterious warships with an interest in the weapon's power. With warp power off line, the crew of the Starship Voyager must find a way to save themselves from a group of aliens
desperate to control the superweapon.
# 6:
The Murdered Sun
When sensors indicate a possible wormhole nearby, Captain Janeway is eager to investigate, hoping to find a shortcut back to Federation space. Instead, she discovers a star system being systematically pillaged by the warlike Akerians. Janeway has no desire to get caught up in someone else's war, but in order to the check on the possibilities offered by the wormhole -- and to save the innocent people of Veruna Four -- Voyager has no choice but to challenge the Akerians.
# 7:
Ghost of a Chance
Badly damaged in a close encounter with a dwarf star, the Voyager discovers a planet being torn apart by tremendous volcanic stresses. The planet's primitive inhabitants will surely perish unless the Voyager intervenes -- but the Prime Directive forbids them to act. And then the dilemma is increased by the arrival of another starship, a Televek vessel, whose crew offer to help both the Voyager and the people of the crumbling planet. But Janeway senses something amiss with their saviors, and she's haunted by ghostly visions warning her of a threat that make her loathe to accept anything from the Televek, even though they may be her only hope.
# 8:
A mysterious signal lures the Voyager to an uncharted sector of the Delta Quadrant, where the crews find a ghost ship floating in space. Hoping the mysterious ship might hold a clue that could help her vessel return home, Janeway launches an investigation, and soon a strange presence casts a kind of spell over the crew. If Janeway can't pierce the ship's
mystery, the Voyager may wind up drifting in space, another ships of ghostly inhabitants.
# 9:
Invasion! Book Four: The Final Fury
For ages they have sought to claim our worlds. Now, at last, we take the battle to them. . . .
Far from the Federation's desperate war against the invading Furies, the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager encounters something they never expected to hear again: a Starfleet distress call. The signal leads them to a vast assemblage of non-humanoid races engaged in a monumental project of incredible magnitude. Here is the source of the terrible invasion threatening the entire Alpha Quadrant -- and, for the Starship Voyager, a possible route home.
But soon there may not be any home to return to . . .
# 10:
Bless the Beasts
In desperate need of crucial repairs, the Starship Voyager has come to Sardalia, a planet blessed with great natural beauty and apparently friendly inhabitants. The Sardalians welcome Voyager enthusiastically, but Captain Janeway soon grows suspicious. The Sardalians seem almost too eager to help. Janeway fears they are hiding some secret agenda. When Tom Paris and Harry Kim disappear while visiting the planet, the captain and her crew find themselves caught in the middle of a planetary war -- and faced with an
agonizing moral dilemma.
# 11:
The Garden
Desperately in need of vital nutritional supplies, the crew of the USS Voyager must risk
dealing with an enigmatic race known as the Kirse, legendary for the bountiful crops of their world - and for their secretive ways. Despite Neelix's warnings, Captain Janeway leads an Away Team to the Kirse homeworld.
But when the hostile Andirrim attack the Kirse, Janeway finds herself caught in a deadly situation. Forced to fight alongside the Kirse, Janeway and her crew can only hope that their strange, new allies are not more dangerous than their common foe.
# 12:
When the sensors of the U.S.S. Voyager detect abundant plant life on an unexplored planet, Captain Janeway leads an Away Team in search of fresh food supplies. They find lavish gardens inhabited by an enigmatic alien race that holds the gardens sacred. The fragrent blossoms are beautiful, enticing -- and far more dangerous than they appear. One by one,
the Away Team begins to fall into deep comas from which they cannot be revived.
Unwilling to spread the affliction to Voyager, the Away Team is trapped on the planet until a cure can be found, but their investigation is perceived as desecration by the devout worshippers of the gardens. Pursued by a fanactical mob, slowly succumbing to the insidious effect of the blossoms, Janeway faces either a violent death -- or an endless sleep.
# 13:
The Black Shore
After weeks of lonely journeys through a desolate region fo the Delta Quadrant, the crew of Voyager is badly in need of shore leave, so the planet Ryolanov seems just what the doctor ordered. Full of warm sunlight and gracious, hospitable people, Ryolanov is a veritable oasis amidst the endless reaches of uncharted space.
Alerted by his spirit guide, Chakotay is the first to suspect that there may be a serpent
lurking in this paradise, but he is not alone. Driven by a psychic call she cannot ignore, Kes must conquer her own fears to discover the terrifying secret lurking beyond the black shore.
# 14:
When an alien pirate abducts Kes, U.S.S. Voyager takes off in hot pursuit, but the first rescue mission fails disastrously; an ion storm forces the shuttle to crash on an unknown
world. Now Captain Janeway and her Away Team must embark on a hazardous trek through a hostile environment in search of a way off the planet, while Voyager, commanded by Chakotay, confronts an enemy fleet in the depths of space.
# 15:
The U.S.S. Voyager finds itself in a system where a planet might have existed, but doesn't. Where the planet should have been, millions and then billions of people are appearing from nowhere and dying in the vacuum of space.
To solve the mystery and save billions of lives, Captain Janeway will have to face alternate versions of herself and the crew of Voyager -- not just one almost-mirror-image, but many. Janeway will have to find a way to work with her alternate selves, with whom she shares much but each of whom has a different agenda. At stake is the survival of Voyager
and the lives of billions of innocent people.
A hundred years before the Starship Voyager was transported to the Delta Quadrant, Lieutenant Tuvok served under one of Starfleet's most famous officers: Captain Hikaru Sulu of the Starship Excelsior.
Now those days have come back to haunt him. While traveling through an uncharted nebula, Tuvok is besieged by recurring memories of his time with Captain Sulu -- repressed memories that may well kill him unless their source is determined in time.
To save her closest friend, Captain Kathryn Janeway follows Tuvok to the century-old
bridge of the Excelsior during a desperate battle. There Tuvok, Captain Janeway, Captain Sulu and Commander Janice Rand must face a menace to galactic life unlike anything known before. . . .
Mosaic tells the life story of Captain Janeway, a compelling tale of personal bravery, personal loyalty, tragedy and triumph. As told by Jeri Taylor, co-creator and executive producer of Star Trek: Voyager, this is an in-depth look into the mind and soul of Star Trek's newest captain.
Deep in the unexplored reaches of the Delta Quadrant, a surprise attack by a fierce Kazon sect leaves Captain Janeway fighting a desperate battle on two fronts: while she duels the Kazon warship in the gaseous mists of a murky nebula, an Away Team led by Lt. Tuvok is trapped on the surface of a wilderness planet -- and stalked by superior Kazon ground forces. Forced to choose between the lives of the Away Team and the safety of her ship,
Captain Janeway reviews the most important moments of her life, and the pivotal choices that made her the woman she is today.
From her childhood to her time at Starfleet Academy, from her first love to her first
command, she must once again face the challenges and conflicts that have brought her to the point where she must now risk everything to put one more piece in the mosaic that is Kathryn Janeway.
Day of Honor Book Three: Her Klingon Soul:
Even light-years from the Klingon Empire, the Day of Honor remains an occasion of great importance. And sometimes honor is found in the most unexpected places...
B'Elanna Torres has never cared for the Day of Honor. Ashamed of her Klingon heritage, she regards the holiday as an unwanted reminder of all she has struggled to repress. Besides, something awful always seems to happen to her then.
Her bad luck seems to be running true to form when she and Harry Kim are captured by alien slavers. Imprisoned by the enigmatic Risatti, force to mine for deadly radioactive ore, Torres will need all of her strength and cunning to survive -- and her honor as well.
Day of Honor:
B'Elanna Torres has no intention of celebrating the Day of Honor. A day of glory for others of Klingon heritage, the day for Torres has always been a dark one, for reasons that stretch back to childhood memories she has tried to forget.
This Day of Honor is no better. Trouble with the warp engines has crippled the U.S.S.
Voyager just as it confronts a deadly threat. Torres and Tom Paris must put their lives on the line to restore the engines. With time running out, Torres has one last chance to accept the great loss she once suffered and reveal the true feelings she has buried for years.

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