

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
A Time to Stand:
Three months after the Dominion took DS9, Sisko takes a captured Jem'Hadar ship into Cardassian space to destroy a necessary Ketracel White refuelling base, and Kira and Odo have to deal with the fact that they may have to live under enemy rule.
Rocks and Shoals:
After being heavily damaged and being pursued by Jem'Hadar fighters, the ship is forced to crash-land on a planet inhabited by Jem'Hadar soldiers who are rapidly running out of white, and a treacherous Vorta overseer who is severely injured. The Vorta is willing to betray his cel and become a Fedration P.O.W. Meanwhile, when a Vedek hangs herself on the Promenade, Kira realizes that she's grown too comfortable living under Cardassian rule, and decides that this Occupation needs a Resistance.
Sons and Daughters:
After the Rotarron drops off the Defiant crew at a Starbase, they take on new recruits, one of them being Alexander, Worf's son, who is desperately trying to be a warrior but miserably failing. On the station, Dukat brings Ziyal to the station to draw Kira and himself closer together.
Behind the Lines:
The Resistance, consisting of Kira, Odo, Rom and Jake, stirs up trouble between the Cardassians and the Dominion. The Female Changeling comes aboard, and seduces Odo. Damar, Dukat's left-hand man, comes up with a way to bring down the mine field and begins field testing. Sisko is re-assigned to a desk job while Dax commands the Defiant. Rom is captured by the Cardassians for attempting to sabotage the deflector array to stop the minefield from coming down.
Favor the Bold:
Rom is to be executed on the eve of the destruction of the mine field. Sisko hatches a plan to retake DS9. Odo has conflicting feelings between the Female Changeling and Kira. The minefield field tests are completed, and it will be destroyed within a matter of days. Morn relays a message to Starfleet about the minefield. The Federation fleet is launched prematurely. The fleet is intercepted by Jem'Hadar ships that outnumber them 2-to-1.
Sacrifice of Angels:
The fleet engages the Dominion ships, and before the Defiant can be destroyed, the Klingon task force arrives. The Klingons break a small hole through the Dominion forces, and only the Defiant makes it through alive. The Defiant warps over to DS9, and arrives there too late. The minefield has been destroyed. Sisko enters the wormhole to stop the re-inforcements. Will he survive?
You Are Cordially Invited...
When Alexander is about to be re-assigned, Dax and Worf decide to hold their wedding on the station. While Worf, Alexander, Martok, Sisko, Bashir and O'Brien embark on a spiritual journey of cleansing, Dax must prove her worthiness to join the House of Martok to the mistress, Sirella, who does not take kindly to aliens.
Beginning of a normal day; a person transports in, but there's no ships in the vicinity. Who is it? The Bareil from the mirror universe. This Bareil is a thief, and he kidnaps Kira. He is arrested, and Kira refuses to press charges, therefore he goes free. Kira falls in love with Bareil, and he seeks spiritual help. But is this Bareil all he's cracked up to be?
Statistical Probabilities:
Four genetically enginnered people are brought to DS9 to meet a fellow mutant who leads a normal life; Dr. Julian Bashir. These 4 are aggressive Jack, giddy Patrick, sensual Lauren and shy Serena. When the Dominion calls for peace, these 4 show their talents through long-term projections and statistical probabilities. When they find that over 900 billion may die because of the war, they take matters into their own hands and decide to give classified battle-readiness plans to the Dominion and minimize the casualties. Will they succeed?
The Magnificient Ferengi:
When the Grand Nagus offers a reward to Quark to rescue his mother, he organizes an elite team of Ferengi, Rom, Nog, Gaila, ex-liquidator Brunt, and an Eliminator, a Ferengi assassin, to rescue her from the Dominion's clutches. The Ferengi realize they could not defeat the Dominion in combat, so they decide to trade; Moogie for a Vorta prisoner of war (see Rocks & Shoals).
After their ship is destroyed while going to a preliminary trial, Sisko is stranded on a distant planet with an increasingly disturbed Dukat who is seeing things. As Dukat seeks his approval about the Occupation, Sisko and Dukat build to a climax where one or the other will die at the other's hand.
Who Mourns for Morn?
Morn dies in a shuttle accident in an ion storm, leaving Quark everything he has; 1000 bricks of gold-pressed latinum. But is it worth the cost?
Far Beyond the Stars:
While Sisko has doubts about his being in Starfleet, he has startling visions that he is a Negro writer for a science fiction magazines in the 1950s. He writes several stories about a Negro captain 500 years in the future who commands a space station, but is equality worth the pain?
One Little Ship:
Hidden on a shrunken Runabout, Dax, O'Brien, and Bashir are Sisko's only hope when the
Jem'Hadar overtake the Defiant.
Honor Among Thieves:
After losing several Starfleet operatives to the Orion syndicate, O'Brien is sent on a secret mission in the syndicate to find the traitor. But things get complicated when he sees a Vorta associating with his contact, and O'Brien finds himself attached to his contact. Meanwhile, on the station, things are going haywire without O'Brien.
Change of Heart:
Dax and Worf's relationship is endangered when she is fatally injured on a mission to retrieve a Cardassian operative who has information that may end the war. Meanwhile, O'Brien and Bashir try to break Quark's 207-consecutive winning streak in Tongo.
Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night:
When Dukat reveals to Kira that her mother and him were once lovers, she consults the Orb of Time to learn the truth.
Deep Space Nine is locked down when Starfleet suspects a Dominion spy, and Doctor Bashir is the prime suspect.
In The Pale Moonlight:
Sisko involves lying, cheating and bribery to involves the Romulans in the Dominion War.
His Way:
Odo enlists the help of a holographic lounge singer to help him win over Kira when she goes to visit Shakaar.
The Reckoning:
When Sisko takes an ancient tablet from the ruins of B'Hala after a strange vision, he stirs up religious controversy, and starts the ultimate battle between good and evil.
Upcoming Episodes:
The Valiant: It's a Jake & Nog story that features them picked up by the USS Valiant behind enemy lines. The crew of the Valiant is not your regular group of officers... Features Red Squad, some of Nog's former Academy classmates.
Profit and Lace: Quark show featuring Moogie, Zek, Brunt, Rom, Nog and Leeta. Ron Moore mentioned sometime ago that there was a Ferengi episode coming up that would change Ferenginar forever.Zek is going to die in this episode and that is named Grand Nagus.
Time's Orphan: O'Brien is reunited with his wife, Keiko, and their two children. But during a celebratory picnic on a nearby planet, eight-year-old Molly falls into a vortex of swirling energy. When the rest of the crew arrives to help, they determine Molly slipped through a time portal that sent her back 300 years, to a time when the planet was uninhabited. They reactivate the portal and transport herout, but their calculations are off by a decade. When Molly materializes on the transporter pad, she is an eighteen-year-old woman.
The Sound of Her Voice: The Defiant races to save a Starfleet officer left stranded on a planet, who they communicate with through subspace
radio. We cannot see the Starfleet officer, stranded, but as each of the crew talks with her, we see different aspects of
each of their personalities.
Tears of the Prophets: According to Ron Moore, this episode will be "cataclysmic in the extreme..." Will deal with Dax's departure. Will feature Dukat, Weyoun and Damar. The events in "The Reckoning" and this episode are direvtly related, so the true Reckoning is at hand...

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