

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
Apocalypse Rising:
After informing Starfleet of Odo's concerns about Gowron being a changeling; Sisko, O'Brien and Odo disguise themselves as Klingons, and accompanied by Worf journey to a fortress deep in the heart of the Klingon Empire. Assisted by Gul Dukat who's captured Bird of Prey makes a useful transport, they seek to pose as valiant warriors due to be honoured by Gowron. The question is can they remain undiscovered long enough to trigger the experimental device they believe will expose the
The Ship:
A team from DS9 are surveying a planet in the Gamma Quadrant with a view to establishing a mining operation to extract valuable raw materials, when they witness another ship crashing nearby. Initially planning to render assistance to any survivors, they discover that the ship is a Jem'Hadar warship and the crew are all dead, apparently killed by an equipment failure some hours before. Things turn ugly when a second Jem'Hadar ship arrives and destroys the runabout, leaving the DS9
crew under siege in the derelict Jem'Hadar ship.
Looking for par'Mach in all the Wrong Places:
Quark is surprised when his Klingon ex-wife, Grilka, returns to the station and with the assistance of Worf and Dax sets about wooing her. Worf is distrinctly put out by the whole idea, and tries to approach Grilka for himself, much to Dax's chagrin. Meantime, Miles O'Brien is becoming uncomfortable with his growing fondness for Kira Nerys, but all his plans to keep at a distance seem to be going wrong.
Nor the Battle to the Strong...
Jake Sisko has been commissioned to write an article on the work of Dr Julian Bashir, but when Jake interviews him Julian spouts a seemingly endless stream of medical technobabble. When they receive a distress call from a medical team on a planet under attack from the Klingons, Jake pursuades Julian to help them. The team are under pressure and Jake finds himself in the middle of a war zone. He tries his best to help, but soon finds that the whole situation overwhelms him, in particular the case of a soldier who shot himself in order to be taken away from the front line.
The Assignment:
Keiko O'Brien returns from a botanical trip to Bajor and once alone with Miles claims to be possessed by a demon who requires that O'Brien modify some of the stations systems for a secret purpose. After a couple of frightening demonstrations of the demons power, Miles is forced to
co-operate. Soon however the modifications are noticed, and Odo and Dax start looking for a saboteur. Miles O'Brien is now in a race to complete the work before he is caught and to figure out exactly what he is being made to do...
Trials and Tribble-ations:
The Defiant inadvertently takes on board a Klingon spy looking for revenge and the Bajoran orb of time. When the Klingon spy goes back in time to get revenge on Kirk, Sisko travels back in time to a pivotal moment in history of the original Starship Enterprise to save Kirk.
Let He Who is Without Sin...
While vacationing on the planet Risa, Worf falls under the influence of a traditionalist group bent on destroying the pleasure paradise.
Things Past:
Sisko, Odo, and Garak are mysteriously placed into the roles of a
group of condemned Bajorans executed seven years ago.
The Ascent:
Stranded on a desolate planet, longtime adversaries Odo and Quark
must rely on each other to survive...
Sisko is plagued by life-threatening visions that may hold the key to
Bajor's future.
The Darkness and the Light:
A mysterious assassin targets the members of Kira's former resistance cell for execution.
The Begotten:
While Kira gives birth to the O'Brien's baby, Odo raises an infant
For the Uniform:
Sisko risks everything to capture a former crew member who deceived
him and joined the Maquis.
In Purgatory's Shadow:
While Worf and Garak are imprisoned in the Gamma Quadrant looking for Enabran Tain, Garak's mentor, Sisko prepares for a Dominion invasion.
By Inferno's Light:
Led by Gul Dukat, Cardassia joins the Dominion and prepares to take
over the Alpha Quadrant.
Dr. Bashir, I Presume:
Dr Louis Zimmerman visits the station with the intention of using Dr Bashir as the blueprint for, and the voice of, a new long term medical holographic doctor. At first Julian is keen on the idea, but as Dr Zimmerman becomes ever more inquisitive about his personal history, he
becomes ever more secretive. When his parents arrive on the station, he reaches a state verging on total panic. What is the dark secret in his past he is so desperate to hide?
A Simple Investigations:
Odo falls in love with a mysterious woman who has been targeted for
Business as Usual:
Quark's notorious cousin, Galen, arrives on the station with an invitation to Quark to make undreamed of wealth by joining him in the arms dealing business. Quark comes up with a neat scheme to demonstrate the various weapons on offer in the holo-suites thus avoiding all the difficulty of importing and exporting the real thing. Disgusted at what he's doing his customers stay away, but he's untroubled until the next customer is seeking weapons to kill millions of his planet's population at which time even Quark's greed meets it's limits. He's never-the-less left with the problem of how to backout of the situation without ending up on the arms dealer's assisination list.
Ties of Blood and Water:
Legate Ghemor, who once believed that Kira was really his lost daughter is now an outcast from the new Cardassia and comes to the station. He has a fatal disease and asks Kira to be his heir, the recipient of all his knowledge of the key movers in the Cardassian state. Honoured, and aware of the strategic importance to both Bajor and the Federation, she agrees. Gul Dukat arrives on the station in an attempt to lure the Legate back and save his knowledge falling into the Federation's hands. This fails, but Dukat tries to turn Kira against him by revealling that he was involved in the military operation in which Kira's own father was killed. Can Kira overcome her anger and grief, both out of compassion for the dying man and to push through the strategic advantage his knowledge represents?
Ferengi Love Songs:
After a row of mishaps including a recurrence of the Cardassian Vole infestation, Quark becomes depressed and eventually takes his brother's advice to visit their mother on Ferenginar. Once there he is astounded to discover the Grand Nagus is his closet! It soon transpires that his mother is in love with the Grand Nagus; soon Quark recieves a visit from his old adversary Brunt of the FCA, who offers Quark the reinstatement of his business license if he sours the relationship between his mother
and the Nagus. Desperate to be reinstated, Quark agrees only to discover that he's unwittingly become Brunt's pawn in a much larger political game and that the whole of Ferengi society is living on a lie.
Soldiers of the Empire:
General Martok is ordered to lead an expedition to find a Klingon ship lost near Cardassian space and he asks Worf to come along as his first officer. Concerned about the crew of the Klingon ship that arrives to collect them, Dax decides to join the mission as science officer. Soon it becomes apparent that the crew is totally disillusioned by their numerous prior defeats at the hands of the Jem'Hadar, and that Martok has become so terrified of them by his imprisonment that he's unwilling
to engage them. Soon the tension reaches exploding point, and Worf has to decide between challenging Martok or facing a complete mutiny by the crew.
Children of Time:
The Defiant is travelling home after a long mission when Dax detects an unusual inhabited planet. Braving a field arround the planet to enter orbit, they are hailed by the inhabitants of the planet who seem to know all about them. Inviting them down to the surface, the leaders of people explain that they are the descendants of the crew of the Defiant which left the planet two days later and had a terrible accident in the field surrounding the planet and was thrown back 200 years into the past.
Blaze of Glory:
Sisko attempts to force his traitorous former officer to stop a final
Maquis attack that could lead to the destruction of the Federation.
Empok Nor:
O'Brien, Garak, Nog and a salvage team are stranded on a supposedly
abandoned Cardassian space station.
In The Cards:
Morale has reached an all time low on the station and Jake sees an ancient baseball card in an auction which he is sure will cheer up his father. The problem is that he and Nog are outbid by a mysterious stranger, but undetered Jake negotiates with the stranger and agrees to his extreme terms. He and Nog then work hard to acquire each of the obscure items the stranger has insisted on as his price. Meanwhile the Dominion and their Cardassian allies make a political play at being friends while trying to drive a rift between the Bajorans and the Federation.
Call to Arms:
When Bajor signs a non-aggression pact with the Dominion, Sisko realizes that they plan to attack the Alpha Quadrant. So, he decides to mine the wormhole entrance to prevent the Dominion from invading. The Dominion/Cardassian alliance demands that this minefield be taken down immediately, and Sisko denies their request. In turn, they launch a full-scale attack on DS9. Starfleet is unable to lend assistance, and Sisko, and all Federation personnel, are forced to surrender the station to the Dominion. The Defiant joins a massive Starfleet/Klingon task force, and prepares to engage the Dominion forces.

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