

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
Time's Arrow, Part 2:
After Picard and the away team manage to find indigenous clothes and lodging, they begin a task which Data, separately, has pursued since arriving - attempting to track down the aliens. They find a couple, disguised as a doctor and nurse, who have been stealing neural energy and escaping unnoticed, and the deaths then are attributed to a cholera epidemic of the period. In the meantime, Data has enlisted the help of Guinan, but has run into some unwelcome curiosity from Samuel Clemens, who trails both Data and Guinan assuming that they've arrived from the future with evil intentions. Picard's away team captures the key to the aliens' neural energy-gathering trips but the aliens themselves escape. Picard's party is rescued from arrest by Data, who then introduces Guinan to Picard for the first time in her life. They then travel to the cavern where Data's head will be discovered in the 24th century, followed by Clemens. As Clemens pulls a gun on the travelers, the aliens return to retrieve their creature, but Data holds on to it, and one of the aliens escapes through a temporal rift. The energy surge causes Data to explode, and the alien nurse is left behind, dying. Riker, Crusher, Troi and Geordi return to the 24th century, taking Data's decapitated body with them - and again, they
are followed by Clemens. Picard remains to make sure Guinan is unharmed, while the crew, in the 24th century, tries to retrieve Picard, send Clemens back to his native time, and stop further alien intereference with Earth's past.
Realm of Fear:
The Enterprise locates the missing starship Yosemite, adrift in a matter stream between binary stars. A link between the two ships' transporters must be established so an away team can investigate the Yosemite, but Lt. Barclay, assigned to the away team, reveals his life-long fear of transporting. Troi convinces him to overcome his fear long enough to beam over to the Yosemite. Beaming back to the Enterprise later, Barclay is sure he sees some kind of creature in the transport beam approach and touch him. Fearing he has contracted a psychosis caused by the transporter scrambling his brain, he becomes so preoccupied that Troi relieves him of duty while Geordi and Data begin reconstructing a mysteriously shattered sample container form the Yosemite, an experiment which reveals that there are indeed life forms in the matter stream. And Barclay is exhibiting early symptoms of something that may have killed the Yosemite's crew.
Man of the People:
A transport vessel carrying Ambassador Alkar and a women he introduces as his mother is attacked en route to mediation sessions between the warring societies of Reycag and Seronia. Alkar's party transfers to the Enterprise, which will complete their journey. On the way, Alkar befriends Troi, but this meets with intense hostility from his elderly companion. The old woman suddenly dies soon afterward, and Alkar asks Troi to assist him in performing the
funeral meditiation sacred to his race. After performing the ceremony, Troi begins to feel unusually angry, jealous and amorous toward Alkar and others on board. Dr. Crusher uncovers evidence that Troi's condition has been inflicted deliberately by Alkar, telepathically depositing his dark emotions in Troi, aging her body and destroying her mind, and the only release for Troi may be death.
While responding to a distress signal, the Enterprise encounters a Dyson sphere, a colossal artificial structure whose habitable interior surface is powered by a small star kept in the center of the sphere. The source of the distress signal, a 75-year-old transport ship, is found crashed into the outside surface of the sphere. An away team recovers a single survivor, who, when his ship crashed and no help was expected to arrive for quite some time, used an
innovative last-ditch transporter modification to suspend himself. The occupant turns out to be Captain Montogmery Scott, chief engineer of the original Enterprise. Scotty is welcomed aboard the modern Enterprise, but soon finds that his skills and knowledge are of no use to Starfleet in the 24th century. In an attempt to make the uneasy visitor from the past feel useful, Picard assigns Geordi to take Scotty to work on the systems of the crashed transport ship, but the Enterprise is then captured and taken into the interior of the Dyson sphere by unknown forces. Scotty, left aboard the small, damaged ship with Geordi, may once again be the only hope for a starship called Enterprise.
After Riker's complaints of fatigue, Geordi's VISOR causing him problems, and Worf feeling
unusually jumpy, it becomes apparent that an external influence is responsible. Counselor Troi investigates and finds that several crew members have complained of similar symptoms stemming from unsettling dreams. Gradually, using a holodeck recreation of the dream environment programmed by those suffering the unusual effects, a mysterious string of experiments conducted by aliens from within the physical domain of subspace is discovered. As more incidents occur, with the crew powerless to stop them, the experiments become more deadly. Riker, who has been frequently experimented upon by the aliens, volunteers to take part in an experiment of the crew's own to see if the instrusions can be halted.
True Q:
Student intern Amanda Rogers is transferred to the Enterprise to get a sample of Starfleet duty. An accident occurs in engineering which almost forces Geordi to blow the warp core out of the ship, but Amanda astonishingly reverses the impending catastrophe. Shortly afterward, Q arrives and informs the crew that Amanda is a fledgling Q whose powers, just emerging, are beginning to concern the Q Continuum. The crew is left with no choice but to allow Q to tutor Amanda on matters of the responsibilities involved with possessing godlike powers, since, obviously, none of them have any knowledge on the subject. But it gradually becomes apparent that Q, and his fellow occupants of the Continuum, may not have a benevolent fate in store for the confused Amanda.
A shuttlecraft bringing Picard, Guinan, Ensign Ro and Keiko collides with an energy disturbance, necessitating an emergency rescue via transporter. But the energy field disrupts transport, and the passengers from the shuttle arrive as children, though their minds are unaffected. They find it difficult to adjust - Picard worries about his lack of command presence, Ro despises being relieved of duty, and O'Brien can't cope with Keiko's sudden reversion to youth. Guinan, however, seems to be enjoying herself. The ship continues on a course to respond to a distress call from a science team. On arrival at the site, the Enterprise is attacked by two Klingon ships which have been taken over by Ferengi. The Ferengi board the Enterprise and begin beaming the crew off to serve, along with the captured science
team, as slave laborers. The Ferengi refuse any compromise, but Captain Picard and the other "youngsters" may be able to salvage the situation.
Fistful of Datas:
A scheduled maintenance layover allows the crew to indulge in some leisure activities, much to the dismay of Worf, who, without any duties to use as an excuse, must oblige Alexander by joining him for a wild west adventure on the holodeck with Troi. Meanwhile, Data and Geordi experience a malfunction during a test of Data's ability to interface with the ship's main computer, though they do not initially realize the extent of the malfunction. Shipwide computer errors occur, ranging from Spot's cat food being dispensed from every food slot, to images of Data replacing Worf's holodeck nemesis and kidnapping Alexander to hold the boy for a ransom. By the time Geordi begins effecting repairs, Worf is committed to a shootout with a holodeck villain who has Data's agility and precision.
Quality of Life:
The Enterprise arrives at Tyrus 7A to observe a new experimental method of mining, the particle fountain, which uses a stream of high-density particles to extract and lift planet-based ore from an orbiting station. A malfunction occurs while Geordi is visiting the station, and Dr. Farallon, the ambitious head of the particle fountain project, introduces her other innovation, a small repair robot called an exo-comp, which is able to correct the problem
almost instantly. Later, while Data is visiting the station, another accident happens and Data notices an exo-comp exhibiting a will to survive. Data hypothesizes that the exo-comps are living beings with their own intelligence, and possibly the beginnings of sentience. But when he asked to prove that the exo-comps are alive, one of them appears to fail a test on the Enterprise, but has actually realized that it is being tested, and is therefore intelligent and alive, though Dr. Farallon refuses to acknowledge the exo-comps' status. A crisis strands Picard and Geordi on the station, endangered by rising radiation levels, and Farallon proposes a solution which would amount to a suicide mission for the exo-comps. When the crew prepares to implement the solution and save Picard and Geordi, Data stands in the way of the rescue operation to protect the exo-comps' rights.
Chain of Command, Part 1:
Near the border of Cardassian space, Picard is unexpectedly reassigned by Starfleet. There are
indications that the Cardassians are mobilizing for war with the Federation. Picard, Dr. Crusher and Worf get ready for a mission they can't speak about to anyone. Captain Jellico, now in command of the Enterprise, doesn't score any points with the crew in his unusual demands that the ship be made combat ready. En route to Celtris III Picard tells Worf and
Dr. Crusher that the Cardassians may be perfecting a nearly invincible new form of biological warfare. Meanwhile at the border, Jellico begins talks with Cardassian representatives which confuse them and the Enterprise's officers. On Celtris III, Picard's team find themselves in a trap. Crusher and a wounded Worf escape a Cardassian ambush, but Picard is captured and taken to Gul Madred, who has alarming foreknowledge of their attempt to gather intelligence. And the
interrogation of Picard begins...
Chain of Command, Part 2:
Cardassian representative Gul Lemec reveals to Jellico that Picard has been captured on Celtris III. Under interrogation by Gul Madred, Picard is tortured in the Cardassians' attempt to find out more about the defenses of Minos Korva, a planet once sought by the Cardassians in their war with the Federation. On the Enterprise, Jellico prepares for all-out war in the event of a collapse of diplomatic relations, but meets with open disapproval from Riker. Jellico relieves Riker of his duties and continues to deny that Picard's mission was ordered by Starfleet, which disqualifies Picard from the terms of the Federation-Cardassian treaty concerning fair treatment of prisoners of war. Picard resists further torture but is pushed to the limits of his endurance while Gul Madred continues to question him about Minos Korva, of which Picard knows nothing. Meanwhile, Jellico confronts the Cardassians and calls their bluff after discovering a flotilla of their warships hiding near Minos Korva. He successfully demands a withdrawal and the release of Picard. Returned to the Enterprise, Picard resumes command, but all is not normal after his experience at the hands of the Cardassians.
Ship in a Bottle:
As the Enterprise is en route to witness the collision of two gaseous planets, Data and Geordi visit the London of Sherlock Holmes, noticing small program anomalies. Barclay checks the holodeck's programming and unwittingly reactivates a program which had been created and put into storage four years before when Moriarty, in another Holmes program, evolved into Data's ideal adversary. Moriarty demands to talk to Picard. Unknown to the crew, he has been alive and aware in the computer's memory the whole time, and he defies the laws of physics by
stepping out of the holodeck and roaming the Enterprise. Moriarty asks that a Countess with whom he fell in love in the course of another holodeck program be brought to life to accompany him, but Picard is reluctant, preferring instead to research just how Moriarty has achieved corporeal existence, and to determine whether or not the professor intends to continue his legendary criminal activities. As it turns out, Moriarty is indeed planning on attempting a swindle of an immense scale - but Picard means to see that Moriarty's scheme is limited to the scale of the holodeck.
The Enterprise crew begins an investigation when the crew of a Federation communications relay
station near the Klingon border is discovered to be missing, and there are signs on the station that someone has been killed with a phaser set on high power. Someone has taken the station's shuttle, and records of certain subspace transmissions have been taken. In the course of the investigation, Geordi goes through the logs of Lt. Aquiel Uhnari, searching for clues about what happened on the station. There are signs that she had experienced personality conflicts with the station's senior officer and only other occupant, and her logs mention visits from a belligerent Klingon. The Klingon is located by Picard, and the Klingons reveal that they have found Lt. Uhnari in the station's missing shuttle. Geordi, who has come to "know" Aquiel through her logs, becomes personally involved in the investigation of the
apparent murder of her superior officer on the station, but he has a hard time separating his responsibility to solving the mystery from his personal feelings.
Face of the Enemy:
Counselor Troi, waking up after being kidnapped from a neuro-psychology seminar, finds herself
aboard a Romulan Warbird, posing as a member of Romulan intelligence to participate in a carefully plotted defection attempt by a Vice-Proconsul of the Romulan High Council. With the clandestine guidance of a member of the Romulan crew, Troi plays her role convincingly. In the meantime, a former human defector to Romulus returns to the Federation and arrives on the Enterprise with a message to Picard from Ambassador Spock, who remains in hiding on Romulus
assisting defectors and dissidents. The message sends an unwitting Picard to rendezvous with the ship carrying Troi and the defector, an encounter which forces Troi to make a split-second decision to either break with the intricate plans of the defection scheme, or to follow her Romulan confidant into what may be a trap.
After a diplomatic meeting with aliens goes drastically wrong and ends in an exchange of fire, an away team is beamed into sick bay with a dying Picard. As Dr. Crusher tries desperately to resuscitate Picard, a near-death vision begins in Picard's mind...or so he thinks, until Q is revealed to be behind it. Q informs Picard that his artificial heart - which Picard gained after, as a newly-commissioned ensign 30 years before, he instigated a brawl with three huge Nausicaans and got stabbed through the heart - is the cause of his death in the present. Q tempts Picard with the opportunity to change his personal history by depositing Picard's current consciousness in the body of Ensign Picard within a few days of his fateful encounter with the Nausicaans. Picard must weigh the moral implications of changing the past to ensure his present survival against adhering to the tragic dictates of his destiny.
Birthright, Part 1:
The Enterprise visits Deep Space 9 to deliver supplies and personnel to assist the rebuilding of Bajor. On the station's Promenade, Worf encounters an alien profiteer who claims to know the whereabouts of Worf's father, allegedly still alive. While Worf, troubled, ponders the legitimacy of this news, Data and Geordi assist Dr. Bashir, visiting from the station, in conducting an analysis of a piece of equipment discovered in the Gamma Quadrant. An accidental power overload shuts Data down momentarily, yet he has a vision of a short walk through the corridors of the Enterprise and a brief encounter with his creator, Dr. Soong. Unsure of how to interpret or proceed from this experience, Data seeks the advice of many others, including Worf. Still contemplating a possible journey to find his father, Worf advises Data to pursue the search for his own "father" at whatever the cost, while Worf himself finally resolves to embark on a dangerous quest to a Romulan prison camp. When he arrives, Worf finds not only a familiar Klingon face, but many others, all of whom are secretive about their internment until Worf is captured by Romulans.
Birthright, Part 2:
Worf is trapped in what was once a Romulan prison camp, and though he is not allowed to leave, he discovers that the Romulan and Klingon occupants of the planet have sacrificed any futures they might have had among their own people to settle down into peaceful co-existence, in some cases producing children. Worf befriends Gi'ral, a Klingon-Romulan girl who seems more fascinated with him. He discovers, through her and a young Klingon boy named Toq, that the children of the colony know little or nothing of either race's heritage. Worf intends to remedy what he perceives as a lack of cultural education, even at the risk of dividing the loyalties of the camp's residents.
Starship Mine:
The Enterprise stops at the Remler Array for a routine decontamination sweep. The sweep,
however, requires the evacuation of the ship, since it will be conducted with a beam that is deadly to living tissue. At a nearby starbase, most of the crew tries to avoid Commander Hutchinson, an interminably boring officer hosting a reception. At the mention of horses on the planet, Picard decides to return to the Enterprise briefly to get his saddle, but while there, he notices that unauthorized modifications have been made by a team posing as starbase technicians. As the sweep begins with the aft end of the ship and moves slowly forward, Picard prepares to beam back to the starbase to warn security, but ship's power is cut off due to the sweep, leaving Picard trapped on the ship with an unknown group of hostiles. Meanwhile, on the starbase, the rest of the Enterprise's officers are taken hostage, and it becomes obvious that there is a well co-ordinated plan underway which involves the Enterprise.
When he goes to the Enterprise's stellar cartography department to ask why their latest experiment is diverting power from nearly every system on the ship, Picard meets Lt. Commander Daren, a new member of the crew who intrigues him with her honesty and unpredictability. They begin to form a relationship, and Picard worries that the rest of the crew might misinterpret that relationship, interfering with his command. But depending on the outcome of hazardous away team duty on Bersallis III, Picard and Daren may not have long to explore what this new development in their lives means.
The Chase:
Professor Galen, Picard's beloved archaeology professor from his days at Starfleet Academy,
comes aboard the Enterprise in an attempt to recruit Picard for a private expedition, the conclusion of which Galen claims to have profound implications for the entire galaxy. Picard regretfully turns down Galen's offer, but later finds himself taking up the professor's work when Galen's ship is unexpectedly attacked and destroyed. Following his late mentor's vague leads and secretive trails, Picard takes the Enterprise to distant worlds, attempting to piece the puzzle together. But it is discovered that others - a great variety of others, at that - are also attempting to finish Galen's work, and the end result could be a secret of vast power.
Frame of Mind:
Riker's rehearsals for an upcoming play about a man in an insane asylum, not to mention his
preparations for an impending undercover mission on a planet divided by warring factions, are punctuated by feelings of paranoia he can't explain, as well as the periodic appearance of an apparently new officer whose presence makes Riker nervous. But after the performance of the play, Riker suddenly finds that he is indeed in an asylum - though even this perception becomes tenuous. Terrified of losing his grip on sanity, Riker starts clawing through layers of illusions in an attempt to get back to reality.
Dr. Crusher goes out on a limb by gathering some of the brightest minds in the galaxy aboard the Enterprise to listen to a proposal from Ferengi scientist Reyga for a powerful subspace shield. Skepticism and competition divide the scientists, but a demonstration is arranged, using an Enterprise shuttle. The pilot, who is also one of the scientists, dies when the experiment goes wrong. Beverly, already regretful for the failure of Reyga's invention,
suddenly finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation when Reyga himself is found dead.
Rightful Heir:
Worf journeys to Borath, where devout Klingons meditate in hope of glimpsing a vision of Kahless, the legendary leader of all Klingons and the originator of their hereditary quest for honor and glory. Worf and many of the others are surprised when Kahless actually appears and announces his intention to return to the imperial throne and put the Klingon Empire back on a path toward honor. Worf is skeptical at first, but when Gowron, the Empire's current leader, demands a genetic test which proves that the new arrival is indeed Kahless, a deep division separating skeptics and those who wish to follow Kahless seems imminent.
Second Chances:
Returning to a planet that a Starfleet research party hastily abandoned eight years ago, an away team finds Lt. Will Riker, a copy of Riker created by a transporter anomaly during his participation in the original evacuation. This Riker has never been assigned to the Enterprise, nor has he resolved his relationship with Troi as the "real" Riker, and his isolation has resulted in a very different personality from the Riker who has served on the Enterprise for six years. His motivations, discipline and judgment differ from his higher-ranking alter-ego, and the two Rikers must stop seeing each other's perceived failings long enough to assist one another in a dangerous salvage mission.
Returning via runabout from a Starfleet conference, Picard, Troi, Geordi and Data encounter strange disturbances in time that seem to have limited physical range. Finally locating the Enterprise, they find her in some kind of exchange of fire with a Romulan warbird, in a zone of time that moves so slowly it appears to be still. Altering escape equipment to allow freedom of movement in the other areas of time, Picard and the others try to determine whether the Enterprise was invaded by Romulans, or if it was simply caught in a rescue attempt gone wrong - and whether or not they can restart the flow of time without bringing events to their inevitably disastrous end.
Descent, Part 1:
The Enterprise arrives at the site of a recent attack on a Starfleet, only to find the Borg in orbit in a new class of vessel much larger than their previously known forms of transport. The Borg have also changed, now possessing some form of individuality and emotion - and they have also developed a desire to simply kill organic life forms, not absorb them into the Borg collective consciousness. A squadron of Borg attack an away team from the Enterprise, and Data, in the process of fending off a Borg, experiences an inexplicable flash of ruthless anger and kills the Borg. The attacking party defeated, the away team returns to the Enterprise and Picard contacts Starfleet. The new Borg pose an unknown but likely more serious threat than ever before to the Federation. After determining the new Borg ship's method of propulsion, the Enterprise follows and is attacked once again. Meanwhile, Data has yet to make any further progress in his analysis of his first emotion - but a captured Borg makes Data a seductive offer to experience more emotions...and it turns out to be an offer Data cannot resist.

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