

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
Redemption, Part 2:
War erupts between the forces of Gowron and those of the family of Duras. The forces of Duras are winning even after Gowron's fleets destroy all of their possible supply bases. Picard plans to take starships the Klingon/Romulan border to act as a blockade against Romulan aid to the Duras followers. Various Enterprise officers are assigned to other ships, most notably Data as captain of the starship Sutherland, whose first officer, Hobson, objects to serving under an android commander. Commander Sela, half-human, half-Romulan daughter of Tasha Yar, demands that the Federation leave the border. Guinan reveals that Sela is the product of the Tasha Yar who was sent to the Enterprise-C by Picard. Gowron launches a surprise attack on their enemies. Lursa and B'etor send a plea for aid. Sela tries to slip past the Sutherland, but Data foils the plan and the Romulans are revealed and forced to retreat, leaving Lursa and B'etor helpless. They escape and abandon Toral, leaving him to Gowron. Gowron offers Worf a chance to slay Toral, but Worf chooses not to judge Toral by his father's actions and rejoins the crew of the Enterprise.
The Enterprise and a Tamarian ship rendezvous at El-Adrel IV and Tamarian Captain Dathon opens
communications. The Tamarians speak incomprehensibly, using English words laced with names from their culture. After the contact fails, Dathon and his first officer argue over Dathon's statement, "Darmok and Jelad at Tenagra." Dathon vanishes, and Picard is kidnapped via transporter. Both are beamed to the planet, where Dathon attempts to communicate again. Picard deciphers the language, finding that it is based on Tamarian folklore and metaphors. "Darmok
and Jelad at Tenagra" refers to two heroes who traveled separately to a distant island, defeated a mighty beast, and left together. El-Adrel is home to such a creature, and Dathon hopes that the Tamarians and the Federation can begin a friendship by likewise defeating a common enemy. When the beast attacks, Picard is immobilized by an attempt to rescue him through interference projected from the Tamarian ship, while Dathon is mortally wounded. Picard can now negotiate in the Tamarian language - if he survives the creature's next attack.

Admiral Kennelly assigns the Enterprise to help resolve tensions with the Bajora, an isolated,
once-advanced race whose territory was long ago taken by the Cardassians. Since then, the Bajora have carried out terrorist attacks on the Cardassians, and now, according to Kennelly, the Bajora have traveled outside their own system and attacked a Federation outpost. The Enterprise is to contact the Bajoran terrorist leader Orta and offer serious discussions after years of sympathetic talk and no action. Ensign Ro Laren, herself a Bajoran - recently court-martialed but pulled out of prison by Kennelly - is assigned to the Enterprise. Ro is an abrasive officer who does not want to be on the ship or the mission. She does, however, tell Picard to contact Keeve, leader of a Bajoran colony that has no technology and isn't even able to adequately feed or clothe its own people. On another planet, Picard contacts Orta - after being abducted by Orta's guards - and discovers that the Bajora do not have the resources to attack anything beyond their own system. Ro then reveals to Picard that Kennelly is aware of this, and that she and the Enterprise are being used by the Cardassians to quietly get rid of the Bajora "threat" by escorting them straight into the Cardassians' line of fire.
Silicon Avatar:
Riker, Crusher and Data visit a new colony site when the Crystalline Entity that wiped out all life on Data's home world appears unexpectedly and attacks, forcing the colonists and visitors underground. The Enterprise returns and finds that the planet has been left barren. The colonists are rescued, and the crew, joined by Dr. Marr, investigates the damage. Marr, whose son was killed by the Entity long ago, believes that Data, like his "brother," is aiding the Entity. During the investigation, Marr is convinced that Data is not responsible for the attack and finds that his memories of his home include memories of the colonists who died there. She asks him to recite some of her son's diary and decides she must avenge her son, but Picard wishes to try communicating with the Entity.
On a routine day, Picard takes the three winners of the ship's school science fair on a tour. Beverly pesters Geordi, who is checking fuel tanks in a shuttlebay, to audition for a play; Riker, Data, Worf, and a pregnant Keiko relax in Ten Forward, and O'Brien and Troi perform bridge duties. When an undetectable object collides with the ship, emergency systems isolate everyone where they are. Picard is injured and must rely on the scared children; Riker
orders Data to risk his life to reach engineering; Worf must deliver Keiko's baby when she goes into labor; Geordi and Beverly are caught between a fire and several tanks of unstable fuel; and Troi is trapped on the bridge with a minimal crew and Ensign Ro is all too ready to point out the worst case scenario: unless the ship's antimatter supply is stabilized, the Enterprise could be destroyed.
The Game:
Wesley Crusher, on vacation from Starfleet Academy, visits the Enterprise. During Wesley's visit, an holographic game Riker picked up on a visit to Risa begins to circulate around the ship, making every member of the crew who plays it an addict. Suddenly, Data - the only being who is immune to the game's addictive "rewards" - is mysteriously shut off. With the bridge crew and everyone else falling victim to the game, Wes discovers how the game works and becomes a hunted fugitive on the ship.
Unification, Part 1:
One of the Federation's most valued advisors, Spock, has been seen on Romulus. Picard is assigned to go to Romulus undercover and find out if Spock has defected from the Federation. The Enterprise goes to Vulcan, where Picard visits Sarek, and Riker investigates the recovered wreckage of a Vulcan ship. Sarek, near death, suggests that Spock may have gone to visit Pardek, a Romulan peace advocate Spock met at the Khitomer peace conference decades ago. The next stop is the Klingon planet, where Picard borrows a cloaked ship to cross the Neutral Zone. Picard and Data, equipped with disguises, head for Romulus. Federation shipyard operator Dokachen assists Riker in the wreckage investigation. They find an unidentified ship receiving supplies from the shipyard without authorization. The ship fires at the Enterprise, which fires back at minimum power - yet the other vessel explodes. Data and Picard, having
just received news of Sarek's death, beam to Romulus and find Pardek, but before they can follow him, guards stop them and lead them to Pardek...and they discover that Spock is indeed alive and well on Romulus.
Unification, Part 2:
Spock is promoting the idea of reunification of Romulus and Vulcan. Pardek gains Spock an
audience with the Proconsul, Neral, who says he will endorse reunification. Picard is skeptical, to the annoyance of Spock, who thinks Picard's impression of him has been colored by Sarek. Neral is plotting with Sela to invade Vulcan with stolen Vulcan ships in the guise of a peace envoy and escorts. Riker gets the truth about the vessel destroyed in the shipyard out of the Ferengi accomplice of the ship's pilot. An intact Vulcan ship was to be delivered to the Neutral Zone border to Romulans for the invasion fleet. Picard, Spock and Data are taken prisoner when betrayed by Pardek. Sela prepares a hologram of Spock to read a statement about the peaceful mission of the Romulans. When Sela leaves to see the ships off, Data and Spock program the hologram to warn the Federation. The Enterprise intercepts the ships, but a
Romulan Warbird destroys the Vulcan ships instead of allowing any evidence to remain of the invasion plot. Picard, Data and Spock escape, and rejoin Spock's Romulan followers in a new hiding place. Spock insists on staying so that he may continue to influence opinions on Romulus, even if only on a small scale.
A Matter of Time:
While rushing to aid a planet whose atmosphere has been damaged by an asteroid collision, the
Enterprise is visited by Rasmussen, ostensibly a 26th century historian who has traveled in time to observe the crew's activities. Refusing to answer any questions about the future, Rasmussen watches while attempts to salvage the planet almost worsen its condition. When Picard must make a decision that could destroy everyone on the planet or save them, he asks Rasmussen to tell him what history says about the outcome of the Enterprise's mission - but the time traveler carefully avoids answering...and Picard wonders if Rasmussen is really protecting history, or if he even knows anything about the future at all.
New Ground:
The Enterprise is participating in a test of a new method of propulsion that would render warp
engines obsolete by generating a wave that a starship would "ride" like a surfboard. While preparing for the test, Worf receives a message from Helena that she and Worf's son have come to visit. When they beam aboard, Alexander believes that he is staying on the Enterprise, and Helena tells Worf that Alexander has been disobedient and even untruthful, which is proven when, after enrolling in the ship's school, he steals a model on a field trip. Picard orders part of the ship to be evacuated after a freak accident with the propulsion experiment, but he and Worf discover that Alexander, once again in defiance of Worf's instructions, has gone to that section of the ship.
Hero Worship:
Investigating the disappearance of the USS Vico, the Enterprise crew finds that the missing vessel has been heavily damaged and is adrift inside a dark matter cluster. A single survivor, young Timothy, is rescued by Data, and is the only means of finding out what happened since the logs of the disaster were also damaged. Timothy tries to emulate Data's lack of emotions in order to overcome his own confused feelings, but stops short of telling the truth about what happened - which is what Picard needs to know as the Enterprise follows the Vico's fateful course.
A party of telepathic Ullians is visiting the Enterprise, ready to share their unique gift of probing into the mind and recovering lost memories. During their visit, Troi reminisces about an earlier encounter with Riker, and then her memory is invaded by an image of one of the Ullians. Dr. Crusher finds Troi in a coma, and she and Riker are the next to have their memories invaded. Data and Geordi try to track down the mystery ailment that has rendered key
officers comatose - and discover that there may be no disease involved and one of the Ullians could be behind the telepathic intrusions.
The Masterpiece Society:
Following a piece of star debris on its way through areas of unexplored space, the Enterprise crew discovers a colony of genetically engineered humans on Moab IV, a planet which will be devastated by the stellar fragment's close pass. Although his advisor Martin is hostile to the idea of introducing strangers to the perfectly balanced society, Conor, the colony's leader, allows an Enterprise away team to visit Moab IV. Troi and Conor enter a relationship, while engineer Hannah Bates works alongside Geordi to strive for an impossible discovery - moving the massive chunk of star debris without evacuating - and thus imbalancing - the colony. Even after using an technological offshoot of Geordi's VISOR to release Moab IV from its death sentence, the Enterprise crew discovers that it may have now endangered the colony even worse by revealing a different way of life to the inhabitants.
Investigating a possible indication of intelligent life in a distant area, the Enterprise is scanned by an unknown spacecraft. The crew's memories of who they are and everyone else around them, as well as specific computer files containing the crew records, are erased, although everyone still remembers their Starfleet skills, although others react differently without any knowledge of who they once were or what they did: Worf assumes command of the ship, while Riker and Ensign Ro are attracted to one another in a way neither would normally admit. Geordi eventually recovers the computer's crew manifest containing names, ranks and duties, identifying Commander Kieran MacDuff - who mysteriously appeared as soon as the crew's memories were damaged - as first officer. The computer finally divulges the basics of the Enterprise's current mission: to seek out and destroy the main base of the Lysian Alliance, with whom, according to the records, the Federation has been at war for many years. Although some members of the crew begin to question their orders as well as the unusualy selective damage done to their memories and the computer, Commander MacDuff insists that the ship press on the attack.
Power Play:
Investigating a 200-year-old Starfleet distress signal emanating from a planet which happens to be the last known location of the starship Essex, the Enterprise sends a shuttle through the planet's stormy atmosphere. The shuttle, with Riker, Troi and Data on board, crash lands, resulting in Riker breaking an arm. Chief O'Brien beams down with a device to boost the transporter signal so the away team can be rescued, but all four are struck by a lightning-like discharge and all but Riker are knocked out. Riker operates the transporter booster and returns them to the Enterprise, where Troi, O'Brien and Data take over the ship under the influence of aliens from the planet. They enter Ten Forward and take hostages, announcing that they are actually the spirits of the Essex crew. Demanding that their physical remains be recovered from the planet and returned to Earth, Troi - apparently taken over by the dead captain of the Essex - threatens to kill the hostages (including Keiko and her baby), and Picard's attempts to negotiate accomplish nothing, aside from convincing him that the terrorists are not who they claim to be.
Critically injured by falling containers in a cargo bay, Worf is paralyzed from the waist down, and Dr. Crusher can offer little in the way of hopes for complete recovery. The visiting Dr. Russell sees Worf's injury as a perfect chance to test her new device, which can - in theory - replicate entire organs after scanning the DNA of the original. Crusher disagrees, however, citing Russell's device as experimental at best, and refusing to allow Russell to
operate. When Worf - claiming that life as an invalid would be a dishonorable burden to he and his family - begins to try to enlist Riker's help in committing suicide, Crusher is forced to let Russell attempt to restore Worf's spinal cord - an operation that could easily end the Klingon's life, leaving many of the crew concerned for Worf as well as Alexander.
The Outcast:
Assisting the androgynous J'naii people in a search for a missing space shuttle, the Enterprise crew discovers a pocket of null space from which energy emissions cannot escape. Riker and J'naii pilot Soren take an Enterprise shuttlecraft into the null zone to investigate, a trip on which Soren makes Riker uneasy by her unusual curiosity about human sexuality, and says that such practices among J'naii would be considered repugnant. Preparing for another trip, Soren reveals to Riker that she is one of a group of outlaws among the J'naii who embrace the "ancient" genders of male and female. After rescuing the J'naii shuttle crew and returning them safely, the Enterprise crew is invited to a celebration on the J'naii planet, during which Riker and Soren take their relationship a good deal further. When the other J'naii discover this, Soren is taken into custody so her "deviance" can be "cured," and Riker decides that he must disobey the prime directive to rescue Soren from her own society.
Cause and Effect:
Investigating a previously unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. After Dr. Crusher makes a mysterious complaint about hearing voices in her quarters, a time disturbance is detected close to the ship. After Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, all power is lost and a Federation starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core, after
the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits.
Investigating an unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. Shortly after Dr. Crusher and Riker begin to notice that events are repeating themselves, Dr. Crusher complains about hearing voices in her quarters. A time disturbance is detected close to the ship. After Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, all power is lost and a Federation starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core, after the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits.
Investigating an unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. After Riker, Worf and Dr. Crusher notice that events are repeating, Crusher waits for and records the voices in her quarters at the same time Geordi's sensors detect an anomaly. Data analyzes the voices and reports that they are the voices of the crew. The Enterprise has entered a time loop in which all events that occurred since the ship's actual entry recur, and the "afterimages" of the events trapped in the loop allow the crew to know what is about to happen to them again. Data plans to leave himself a "message" that he will receive in a "subconscious" way, but before he can get far with his idea, a disturbance is detected near the ship. Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, and then all power is lost and the starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core is destablized. Picard orders evacuation as Data transmits his message to the Data in the next time loop, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits.
Dr. Crusher notices events repeating once more. Data receives his own message just as Crusher once again records the voices in her quarters. The time disturbance appears, and Picard hesitantly repeats his order to stand off from the rift. The power drain occurs again, as does the emergence of the other ship. Data suddenly changes the chain of events by taking a course of action the crew has rejected in every time loop up till now, and the collision is avoided. The Enterprise has been caught in the time loop for nearly 18 days, but upon contacting the captain of the other ship, it is obvious that he and his crew have been repeating their collision with the Enterprise for over 70 years.
The First Duty:
The Enterprise is heading back to Earth so Picard may deliver Starfleet Academy's commencement
address, and the crew is also looking forward to an aerial stunt display performed in orbit over Saturn by Nova Squadron, the Academy's elite flight group, including Wes Crusher. As the Enterprise arrives, news reaches Picard and Dr. Crusher that Nova Squadron's five planes have collided during a practice maneuver, injuring four of the pilots and killing one of them. An inquiry is launched into the accident, and squadron leader Locarno - backed up by Wes and the
other cadets - testifies that blame lies on Cadet Joshua Albert, who died. Picard, while the investigation is underway, pays a visit to his old friend Boothby, the Academy gardener since Picard's days as a cadet. Wise old Boothby, and later Picard himself, begin to wonder if perhaps the surviving cadets of Nova Squadron aren't simply diverting the responsibility for their own mistake.
Cost of Living:
The Enterprise is on an urgent mission to destroy an asteroid on a collision course with an inhabited planet. The asteroid is obliterated, but a metal-consuming substance riding the asteroid transfers to the hull of the Enterprise. Later, Worf and Alexander argue in Troi's office about their latest father-son dispute over the family rules, and as if that experience isn't enough of a headache, Lwaxana Troi beams aboard on her way to get married to Campio,
a member of another planet's royalty (and Mrs. Troi reluctantly admits she hasn't actually met him yet), and she begins to interfere with Worf's relationship with Alexander, trying to show the boy how to revel in rebelling against authority. While Counselor Troi tells her mother not to intercede in Worf's family affairs, a problem is discovered with the ship's systems, caused by the metal "virus" (of which the crew is not yet aware). Mrs. Troi later reveals to Alexander that she isn't entirely sure about her upcoming marriage to Campio (who beams aboard with an ever-present aide whose duty seems to be that of making sure all of Campio's actions are as neutral and inoffensive as possible). The life support systems come under attack by the erosive substance, and when Picard orders the ship to warp to the nearest starbase, the engines are the next target of the virus, jeopardizing the Enterprise and everyone aboard.
The Perfect Mate:
After rescuing a party of stranded miners, the Enterprise continues its mission to take Ambassador Bre'em and his cargo - an unusual cocoon - to meet Alrik of Volt so that their two worlds can end centuries of conflict. But when a Ferengi shuttlecraft is spotted in need of immediate help, Picard is forced to pick up the two Ferengi, who actually faked their emergency. The nosy Ferengi damage Bre'em's cocoon, which melts away to reveal the lovely
empath Kamala, who grabs the attention of every man in her sight, and initially thinks that Picard's authoritarian demeanor makes him her future mate. Kamala is being transported as the property of Bre'em's government, and she is to be delivered - as a gift - to Alrik of Volt. Dr. Crusher convinces Picard that the ambassador's treatment of Kamala as an object is inhumane, but the possible results of allowing Kamala free roam of the ship could be more risky than transporting her as cargo, since her very accurate empathic ability allows her to become the perfect mate for whomever she spends the most time with, whether that happens to be Riker, Worf, a group of unruly miners, Captain Picard...
Imaginary Friend:
As the Enterprise begins an investigation of a nebula, Ensign Sutter and his young daughter Clara are in Troi's office, where Clara is talking about her imaginary friend Isabella. Ensign Sutter, whose Starfleet career hasn't allowed him to stay in one place long enough for Clara to make any friends, is concerned that Clara's insistence on Isabella's existence is abnormal, but Troi doesn't think it is anything to worry about. An energy form enters the Enterprise, it materializes just as Clara imagines Isabella and begins to have Clara show it around the ship. Meanwhile, other energy-beings like "Isabella" begin to weave a web of strands around the ship to slow it down so they can feed off its power source. The crew realizes that the only way to try to communicate with the energy-beings is by having Clara try to summon Isabella.
I, Borg
The Enterprise is exploring a star system when a distress call is detected, and Riker leads an away team to investigate. A single survivor is found amidst the wreckage of a scout ship, a young male Borg which is taken back to the Enterprise. As Picard is faced with a reminder of his ordeal with the Borg and argues with Guinan about the logic of bringing the Borg aboard, Geordi tries to instill the ship's Borg guest with a sense of individuality, starting by
nicknaming him "Hugh." The crew is preparing a plan to send Hugh back with a computer virus that would unravel the Borg from the inside out, but some of the crew's conscience begins to disturb them. Picard discovers that Geordi's benign attempts at communicating with Hugh could potentially have a far more devastating effect on the Borg collective society in the long run.
The Next Phase:
A small Romulan ship is stranded, its crew threatened by the imminent danger of an engine
explosion. An Enterprise away team beams aboard to assess the damage, but when Geordi and Ro try to return to the Enterprise with a piece of Romulan equipment, they are apparently lost in a transporter malfunction, and the rest of the crew assume they are dead. Geordi and Ro both awaken on the Enterprise, but they cannot be heard or seen by anyone else on the ship, and their bodies are able to simply pass through solid walls and doors due to their molecules being "phased." While Ro attempts to come to terms with her apparent death, Geordi discovers that he and Ro are leaving a trail detectable by the ship's sensors. The two try to alert the Enterprise crew of their predicament, and discover that the Romulans can intentionally phase themselves and are nearing the conclusion of a plan to destroy the Enterprise.
The Inner Light:
The Enterprise discovers an alien probe of unknown origin, which detects the Enterprise and sends a transmission. Picard is knocked unconscious. He "wakes up" as Kamin, an astronomer on the planet Kataan. As Kamin orients himself to life on this world with his wife Eline, he tries to make some attempts to locate the Enterprise, discovering in the process that Kataan faces imminent destruction from a sun about to go nova. Kamin ages yars, has children with Eline, watches old friends die and tries to convince people that their days on the planet are numbered. Meanwhile, on the Enterprise, where Picard has been unconscious for mere minutes, Riker is determined to break the probe's hold on Picard - but severing the link could kill Picard while he is still trapped in the mind of Kamin.
Time's Arrow, Part 1:
An excavation team on Earth summons the Enterprise to Earth, claiming to have found evidence of extraterrestrial visitors to the planet in the 19th century. Picard and Data are shown an astonishing artifact unearthed near Starfleet Academy: the head of Data, although he - with his head intact - is still serving on the Enterprise. As Data contemplates the news, Geordi traces a micro-organism discovered in fossilized form mear Data's head to the planet Dividia II. The Enterprise heads for that world immediately, where an away team beams down without Data, who believes the others are overreacting to his impending fate. Troi sense life on the planet, although no beings are visible. Data, whose head contains a component that could allow him to see the invisible life forms, beams down and phases into the beings' plane, reporting many large humanoid beings and an alien of some sort. Data is then snatched through time - to San Francisco in the late 1800s. He immediately begins making preparations to continue the exploration he was conducting on Dividia II after winning big in a local poker game. Elsewhere in the city, two humans - or at least aliens in the guise of humans - patrol the streets, finding a beggar and using a camouflaged device to steal the energy from his
body, killing him. Meanwhile, Picard readies another away team when Guinan gives him cryptic advice, telling him he must join the away team. Data, in the 19th century, discovers that Guinan is on Earth in the same time period, though centuries before she met any of the Enterprise crew. Also present at the social function where Data finds Guinan is one
Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, who overhears Data and Guinan discussing Data's real origins. On Dividia II, the away team replicates Data's experiment and they see the same life forms. Two beings arrive from an temporal rift, unloading more energy for their fellow aliens to feed on - energy taken from humans on Earth at the moment of death, according to Troi's empathic sense. Picard, Riker, Troi, Geordi and Dr. Crusher enter the gateway, which closes behind them as they travel back in time to search for Data and find out why alien beings are interfering with human history.

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