

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
While the crew of the Enterprise races against the clock to launch a space probe for a critical experiment, a culture of experimental microbe-machines named Nanites accidentally released by Wesley threatens to render the Enterprise uninhabitable.
The Ensigns of Command:
Data attempts to convince the stubborn leader of an endangered colony that his people must
evacuate the planet or face certain extinction at the hands of a race of ruthless aliens also seeking a planet to colonize.
The Survivors:
Captain Picard unravels one horrifying mystery after another while trying to persuade two people who are apparently the only survivors of an obliterated population of eleven thousand that their assailants have returned.
Who Watches The Watchers?
A hidden outpost on a distant planet where Starfleet anthropologists are observing a primitve race of Vulcan-like beings is revealed after a mechanical malfunction, polluting the primitives' religious and ethical beliefs and causing one of them to identify Picard with God.
The Bonding:
Worf's conscience struggles with a fatality under his command as a deceased crew member's young son confronts an alien life form that attempts to take on the physical and psychological characteristics of his mother.
Booby Trap:
After taking the Enterprise into a mysterious asteroid belt to examine the only known relic of a long-dead race, Picard discovers that the asteroid belt is actually a lethal snare and assigns La Forge the impossible task of finding a way out before it's too late. Geordi turns to the holodeck for a simulation of one of the Enterprise's original designers to help him brainstorm an escape route.
The Enemy:
Trapped without the aid of his VISOR on a perpetually stormy planet, Geordi is aided and abetted in his attempts to send a distress signal to the Enterprise by a shipwrecked Romulan, as Picard tries to wring the truth out of a secretive Romulan commander en route to Federation space.
The Price:
Federation, Ferengi and third party delegates vie for control of a unique stable wormhole allowing instantaneous travel across reaches of uncharted space, and Troi makes discoveries both interesting and dangerous regarding one of the negotiators as the Ferengi plot to double-cross all and gain control of the wormhole.
The Vengeance Factor:
Riker as a man of conscience and Picard as a diplomat run up against an age-old wall of mafia-like blood feuding, almost certain to ruin the first negotiations between a clan of vicious pirates and a race of civilized of haughty beings in centuries. Riker ends up with the most difficult decision of all...
The Defector:
A legendary Romulan strategist/warrior assumes a new identity and races to warn the Federation of a massive Romulan invasion in the near future, but his attempts are thwarted by the crew's prejudice and suspicions, not to mention the Romulans themselves, eager to do away with both the defector and the Enterprise.
The Hunted:
The Enterprise, sworn by Federation treaty to defend the inhabitants of a once war-torn world, is faced with a destructive challenge in the form of a biologically altered war veteran whose mind allows no mercy in the face of danger, but all he and his fellow soldiers want is their home and their freedom.
The High Ground:
While tending to innocent bystanders injured in the explosion of a terrorist bomb, Dr. Crusher is taken hostage by a ruthless freedom fighter who is blind to the fate of his rebellion and refuses to hear any argument from the Starfleet officers or the local law enforcers that his way of "liberating" his people may not be just.
Deja Q:
Q returns once again to the starship Enterprise, but this time his immortality and his powers have been rescinded by the members of the Q Continuum, and he must help the crew contend with an asteroid that threatens to devastate an entire civilization, while the Calamarain, aliens who have been chastised by Q in the past seek revenge on the ex-immortal.
A Matter of Perspective:
Commander Riker is accused of murder after the apparent sabotage and destruction of a science
station, and the evidence seems almost certain to doom the First Officer's career, but Picard and Troi gamble on using the Holodeck to recreate testimonies from all the surviving parties and discover that the prosecution's case can be viewed from any number of entirely different points of view.
Yesterday's Enterprise:
The derelict Enterprise NCC-1701-C, thought destroyed 24 years ago, emerges through a temporal
rift, rewriting history for the crew of the Galaxy class Enterprise: the Federation is losing a war to the Klingons, Tasha Yar is still alive and fighting - and the crew of "yesterday's" Enterprise must return to their own past to restore the timelines. And only Guinan can tell that anything seems out of place...
The Offspring:
Data is inspired by a cybernetics conference he has attended and, after spending extensive off-duty time in his lab, announces that he has created Lal, an android "daughter" - which does not please the captain at first, but when Starfleet Admiral Haftel arrives with the intention of taking Lal off the Enterprise, Data's child experiences an irreversible malfunction: emotion!
Sins of the Father:
The Enterprise receives a Klingon first officer on the Federation exchange program, Commander
Kurn, who tests Worf's nerve and turns out to be the security chief's brother, seperated from Worf at birth. Worf learns that their father has been indicted on charges of betraying the Khitomer Outpost - which is where he died. The execution will be carried out on Worf's family name, and he returns to the First City of the Klingon Empire and discovers the true traitor, but also finds that even Klingons can be totally dishonest and dishonorable, and after Kurn and Captain Picard become the targets of assassins, Worf pays for a crime his father did not commit with his own honor.
Captain Picard is kidnapped and deposited in a "laboratory maze" with three other captives - one of whom is actually an observer for the captors in disguise - while a replica of Picard begins to wreak havoc with the crew of the Enterprise, leaving Riker no choice but mutiny.
Captain's Holiday:
Captain Picard, after returning from tiring diplomatic duties, is pressed into taking a vacation on Risa by most of the bridge crew. Once on peaceful Risa, Picard is tangled up in a plan by 27th century aliens to retrieve a weapon that has made its way back in time to the 24th century, and plots by an unscrupulous Ferengi trader and a mysterious woman to gain that weapon for their own purposes.
Tin Man:
The Enterprise is called on to transport first-contact specialist Tam Elbrun - a full Betazoid and one-time mental patient - to Beta Strongren to make initial contact with an alien life form representing the last of its species, but things go disastrously wrong when Romulan attackers show up, and Tam Elbrun decides to stay behind to remain in contact with the creature.
Hollow Pursuits:
Engineering Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, a new member of Geordi's staff, shirks his duties in favor of spending time on the holodeck, where he has constructed intricate programs simulating members of the bridge crew as he sees them: Picard, Data and Geordi as the Three Musketeers, Dr. Crusher as a sort of fair maiden with Wesley as an asinine blueberry pie-eating Blue Boy - and Counselor Troi as a seductive goddess. When the real crew learns of Barclay's holo-addiction, all hell breaks loose.
The Most Toys:
Data is kidnapped by a greedy collector of one-of-a-kind items and species who considers the
android a prize for his collection and fools the crew of the Enterprise into thinking that Data has been killed in a freak shuttle accident. Data then squares off in a grueling psychological battle with his captor and almost tastes vengeance for the first time as a woman who attempts to help Data escape is killed in cold blood by the unscrupulous hoarder.
Famed Vulcan Ambassador Sarek, father of Spock, beams aboard the Enterprise to be transported
to his final diplomatic duty. But he is suffering the initial symptoms of a mind-deteriorating Vulcan disease and his Vulcan telepathic skills inadvertantly project violent, irrational impulses in the crew's minds. Picard decides to risk a mind-meld to stabilize Sarek for the negotiations, but the captain risks his own sanity.
Menage a Troi:
Lwaxana Troi visits her daughter at the same time a trade conference is taking place. Ferengi
DaiMon Tog decides that Mrs. Troi is the woman for him, and he kidnaps her along with Deanna and Riker. On the Enterprise, Wesley forgoes an opportunity to travel to the Academy to help locate the Ferengi ship and recover Riker, Deanna and Mrs. Troi. Picard rewards Wesley by promoting him from an acting ensign to a real Starfleet ensign. The Ferengi DaiMon returns Riker and Deanna, but Picard must find a way to return Lwaxana Troi as well.
The Enterprise crew rescues the injured lone survivor of a shipwrecked escape pod who has lost his memory and all traces of his identity. As the survivor, dubbed "John Doe" by the crew, recovers, he develops a rapport with Doctor Crusher and the rest of the crew, but his recovery almost seems too miraculous and it is discovered that not only is John Doe recuperating with incredible speed, but he is mutating as well. But his presence on the Enterprise is seen
by all as a benefit; the Crushers grow close to Doe, Geordi grows close to another Enterprise crew member, and all seems well with the exception of Doe's occasional mutative side effects until Sunad - obviously of the same race as Doe - arrives to take Doe, who he claims to be a dangerous criminal, prisoner. But it is soon revealed that John Doe is an outcast from his own society because he has been exiled by the normal elements of his people who fear his impending
mutation into a higher life form. When Sunad boards the Enterprise to take Doe, Doe completes his mutation and, forgiving his persecutors, sends Sunad back to his ship unharmed and departs from the Enterprise by himself.
Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Lt. Commander Shelby, a tactical advisor from Starfleet with her eye on promotion to a first officer - perhaps of the Enterprise - joins the crew as they investigate the latest planet victimized by the Borg. After another Federation planet is attacked, the Enterprise sets off in pursuit of the Borg. During the flight, Riker learns of Shelby's impetuousity and the possibility that he himself is long overdue to command a starship of his own. The Borg intercepts the Enterprise and does critical damage, and the Enterprise enters a nebula to evade capture. When some repairs are made, the Enterprise tries to escape but is captured by the Borg. They board the Enterprise, kidnap Captain Picard, and warp toward Earth. The Enterprise follows the Borg through Federation space until Geordi can't keep the warp engines
up to speed. Shelby leads an away team to the Borg vessel where she, Worf, Data and Dr. Crusher sabotage the Borg's internal power network. They are attacked and hold off their attackers until the Borg adapt to generate their own shields against the crew's hand phasers. And Captain Picard is found - no longer human, modified into a Borg. The away team returns to the Enterprise, leaving Riker with a momentous decision - he must use a variation of the Enterprise's deflectors to disrupt the Borg and possibly kill Picard.

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