

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
The Child:
Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity, gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic...
Where Silence Has Lease:
Picard is confronted by an invincible alien intelligence who can alter the crew's very perceptions of reality, and is horrified to learn that the entity plans on using half of the humans on board as lab animals to determine how many ways humans can die, so the captain, after exhausting all the options, sets for self-destruct.
Elementary, Dear Data:
Doctor Pulaski bets Geordi that Data would be overwhelmed if confronted with an intricate
Holmesesque mystery he has not yet read or experienced, and when the chief engineer and Data put this to the test, a too-perfect holodeck program almost ensures that not only will Data be beaten, but the Enterprise may be commandeered by Professor Moriarty.
The Outrageous Okona:
A nonchalant space rogue is welcomed aboard the Enterprise by Picard and the crew, but the
pleasantries of his visit are cut short by two representatives of rival worlds demanding Okona's life for crimes he claims not to have committed - yet he does know who the guilty parties are and it's up to him to unite the aggressors.
Loud as a Whisper:
The Enterprise is forbidden to interfere in negotiations to be conducted by their passenger, the deaf, mute mediator Riva, who seems more interested in Counselor Troi than in seriously bringing two warring factions together. It is only when his Greek-like Chorus, a vital element in his task since they translate his thoughts into speech, is destroyed by a trigger-happy alien that Riva truly worries about the task he must accomplish. And for the negotaitions to continue, Data must learn Riva's frantic form of sign language.
The Schizoid Man:
An Enterprise away team answers a distress signal from the habitat of one Dr. Ira Graves, who has been stricken with a terminal illness that could strike at any time. As he has been working for some time on a way to transfer his memories and personality into a computer, he naturally sees Data as the perfect alpha test model.
Unnatural Selection:
The Enterprise crew discover the disabled USS Lantree adrift in deep space - adrift because the crew has been inflicted with a disease which induces rapid aging and death! Doctor Pulaski personally involves herself in the search for a cure at a doomed genetic research base and becomes the most recent victim of the disease.
A Matter of Honor:
Riker becomes the first Federation officer ever to serve on board a Klingon vessel which is slowly warping toward its destruction - and the negligence of a Benzite "exchange student" on the Enterprise is responsible for arousing the ruthless Klingon captain's suspicions, provoking a savage attack on the Enterprise...
Measure of a Man:
When Data refuses to participate in a Starfleet scientist's android experiments where he will serve not only as a blueprint but as a guinea pig and spare part supply, he is put on trial and Picard wrangles with the premise that Data is not a free agent but the property of Starfleet - and Captain Louvois assigns Riker to prosecute.
The Dauphin:
Wesley is attracted to an alien princess whose is accompanied on the Enterprise by a severe
governess as they journey to a world where they will become the new leaders of her civilization, and despite the warnings from the less-than-human governess, Wesley also finds out that the princess has some surprises in store for him as well.
After witnessing the tragic destruction of the Galaxy class starship Yamato in the Neutral Zone, Picard follows Yamato captain Donald Varley's hunch that the planet Iconia contains the valuable remnants of a now extinct but technologically advanced civilization, leaving Riker on the malfunctioning Enterprise to deal with a Romulan warship which is also seeking the ruins of Iconia.
The Royale:
Riker, Worf and Data transport to the surface of what should be a poison-shrouded world after
finding debris of a NASA space vessel, and discover a structure containing a reproduction of the literary Hotel and Casino Royale, and their only help is from the book itself as they read their lines - and between their lines.
Time Squared:
Picard is left beside himself when the Enterprise encounters a future incarnation of himself in a battered Enterprise shuttlecraft, containing visual and captain's logs describing the destruction of the ship and its crew, except for Picard, by an "energy vortex," and according to the logs, the encounter is only six hours away.
The Icarus Factor:
Riker, offered a command of his own patrolling a hazardous area of deep space, is also offered
advice and a long-overdue retraction of old hostilities from his father, but the impetuous first officer refuses all of this in an attempt to maintain an image of independence in the eyes of his crewmates and his father.
Pen Pals:
While on an extended research patrol through a star cluster whose planets' geologic activity rips them apart from inside, Data on the Enterprise makes contact with a primitive being on one of these planets which is now in immediate danger and has to plead with the prime directive- conscious Picard to help his newfound friend.
Q Who:
Q returns once more to the Enterprise to plead his case to Picard for a position as a crewman on the ship after being expelled from the Q Continuum. When refused, the godlike alien propels the Enterprise thousands of light years to prove to Picard that some threats are too much for humanity, and the Borg is one of these threats...
Samaritian Snare:
Riker and the crew attempt to rescue Geordi from a slow witted crew of Pakleds who claim to need the chief engineer's technical expertise, while the captain, who is at a medical research base receiving a heart transplant, is about to die in the hands of a surgeon not possessed of Dr. Pulaski's skill.
Up The Long Ladder:
Signals arrive from two colonies in a distant star system, one of which is found by the Enterprise crew to be a motley collection of "primitives," and the other, a group of clones whose gene pool is fading. The clones need fresh genes from the crew and are willing to use force to ensure their survive.
The Enterprise crew welcomes some fishlike Antedian delegates to a peace summit and, on short
notice, Troi's bothersome mother. Mrs. Troi, now in a phase of increased sexual activity, has come to the Enterprise to "visit" Picard, which meets with disapproval from Counselor Troi and amusement from Riker - while the captain hides in the holodeck generated world of Dixon Hill once more.
The Emissary:
The Enterprise becomes the temporary home of a priority-one emissary from the Federation who
has been sent to deal with a dire emergency - a crew of 23rd century Klingons in suspended animation is about to be awakened by their ship's "alarm clock" to wage war against the former enemies of the Klingons - the Federation.
Peak Performance:
The Enterprise undertakes Federation-mandated wargames, as Zacdorn tactical observer Sima
Kolrami observes and, more often, pesters the crew. Picard is pitted against Riker in a maneuver that is harmless until a Ferengi attack puts the crew of the Enterprise and the Hathaway, Riker's vessel in a no-win situation - to which Riker has the key.
Shades of Gray:
While exploring a new planet with Geordi, Riker is stung by an alien thorn whose poison creeps up his spine toward his brain. Pulaski brings him back to the ship and tries to trigger emotional responses to destroy the poison by forcing the first officer to remember his past adventures.

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