

The data files are still in transit from Starfleet Headquarters. Information will be made available soon.
# 1:
Ghost Ship
In 1995, a Russian aircraft carrier is destroyed by a mysterious creature that just as mysteriously disappears thereafter. Three hundred years later, Counsellor Deanna Troi awakens in her quarters from a nightmare in which she senses the voices of the crew of that Russian ship, whose life-essences were somehow absorbed by the creature that destroyed them. And the nightmare heralds a danger to the Enterprise itself, for if Picard can't discover a way to communicate with the creature, it could absorb his crew just as it
did the Russians.
# 2:
The Peacekeepers
Exploring a deserted alien spaceship, Lt. Commander Data and Lt. Geordi LaForge suddenly find themselves transported light-years away -- into the prison cell, into the middle of a deadly conflict!
While Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise search feverishly for the missing crewmen, Data and LaForge discover they are in a station almost identical to the one they were exploring, high in orbit around an Earth-type world. Years before, the occupants of that planet accidentally stumbled onto the ship and its advanced technology -- and since then have used its weapons to keep the nations on the planet below disarmed, and at peace.
Now their own arrival has precipitated a crisis on the station. Somehow, Data and LaForge must find a way to restore trust between the planet below and the station's guardians up above -- before a final, destructive war breaks out!
# 3:
The Children of Hamlin
Every Starfleet officer knows of the Hamlin Massacre, of how the tiny Federation outpost of Hamlin was destroyed, its entire adult population mercilessly slaughtered and the colony's children abducted by Choraii invaders who attacked with a ferocity and speed that
outmatched their Starfleet pursuers. Now, 50 years later, the Choraii ships have reappeared, but this time the Federation is better prepared, with the starship Enterprise standing at red alert.
# 4:
Treva is an isolated human colony on the fringes of known space on the verge of becoming a true interstellar community, a full fledged member of the Federation. But now the U.S.S.
Enterprise has received a distress signal for Treva is in the throes of a violent revolution, a revolution led by a merciless warlord who has committed countless atrocities in the name of freedom.
Data and Lt. Tasha Yar are dispatched to investigate. Once they reach Treva, they discover the truth, and any possible solution may be far more complex than a simple rebellion. Treva's president wants more then Starfleet's good words in her fight against the rebels, she wants their weapons technology.
# 5:
Strike Zone
Deep in the uncharted regions of our galaxy, the Kreel, a primitive, warlike race have stumbled upon weapons powerful beyond their wildest imagination. The Kreel have used those weapons to attack their most bitter enemies, the Klingons.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise are called in to mediate the dispute by ferrying diplomatic teams from the two warring races to the source of their conflict, the mysterious planet where the weapons were discovered in an attempt to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, and discover the origins of the super-powerful weapons.
# 6:
Power Hungry
Sent to deliver emergency famine relief to the planet Thiopa -- the Federation's only allies in a critically important sector of space -- the Enterprise crew finds a brutal dictatorship more interested in preserving its own power than in protecting its citizens or the world they share. Captain Picard is hesitant about turning over the supplies to this government, fearing they might never reach their intended destination, but he must bring the ruling Thiopans around to his way of seeing things, before the famine becomes a more permanent state of environmental degradation?
# 7:
The U.S.S. Enterprise journeys to Lorca, a beautiful world with a feudal culture where the
inhabitants wear masks to show their rank and station. Captain Picard and an away team don masks of their own to begin a quest for the planet's ruler and the great Wisdom Mask that the leader traditionally wears. Their mission is to establish diplomatic relations.
But shortly after transporting, Picard and his party lose contact with the ship, and
Commander Riker leads a search party down to the planet to find them.
Both men, are unaware that their searches, indeed, the ship's entire mission are part of the plan of a madman, a madman who is setting the stage for a trap that will ensnare both U.S.S. Enterprise landing parties, and leave him to seize control of the awesome Wisdom Mask as well as the planet Lorca itself.
# 8:
The Captain's Honor
A series of vicious attacks by the enigmatic M'Dok Empire has devastated the planet Tenar bringing the Enterprise and another Federation starship, the Centurion, to the planet's aid. The Centurion's captain is Lucius Sejanus, a powerful, magnetic man who favors taking a far stronger stance against the M'Dok than Captain Picard. The conflict escalates and Sejanus's instincts seem to be correct for it appears only extreme measures can stop the
murderous raids on Tenara.
The Tenarans must decide which path they will follow, the way of peace, or the road to
war. But unknown to any, one of the Centurion's officers has made that decision for them, and plans to provoke a full-scale war between the Federation and the M'Dok Empire.
# 9:
A Call to Darkness
The Enterprise discovers a lifeless Federation research vessel orbiting a planet hidden behind a mysterious energy shield. Despite the objections of his senior officers, Captain Picard and an away team beam over in search of the missing crew, and they vanish as well. Riker assumes command, and soon he discovers another problem besides the disappearance of his captain for a mysterious disease has struck the Enterprise crew. Riker races against time to unravel the secrets of the planet below in order to save his captain and the crew.
# 10:
A Rock and a Hard Place
Under the best circumstances, terraforming is a tough, dangerous task that pits the hardiest of pioneers against an unforgiving environment. The terraformers on the planet Paradise fall behind schedule, and Commander Riker is given temporary leave from the Enterprise and sent to assist.
Riker's replacement on the Enterprise is a volatile officer named Stone whose behavior soon raises questions about his ability and his judgment. Meanwhile, Commander Riker becomes enmeshed in a life and death struggle with Paradise's brutal landscape. However, he soon learns that not all of the planet's dangers are natural in origin, as he comes face to face with Paradise's greatest danger and most hideous secret.
# 11:
Gulliver's Fugitives
While searching for the U.S.S. Huxley, missing for more than 10 years, the Enterprise stumbles across a forgotten colony of humans on a planet called Rampart, where fiction and works of the imagination of any kind are considered a heinous crime. A survey team beams aboard the ship to search for "contraband," and the crew are drawn immediately into a vicious civil war between Rampart's mind police and a band of determined rebels.
# 12:
Doomsday World
The planet Kirlos is an artificial world built by a mysterious long-dead race called the Ariantu. Kirlos is home to many races from both the Federation and the K'vin Hegemony, who
have enjoyed years of peaceful co-existence and profitable trade. The planet also holds a wealth of undiscovered archaeological treasures, which the U.S.S. Enterprise and its crew are dispatched to help uncover.
Sent to the surface to assist an archaeological team, Geordi, Data, and Worf find themselves cut off from the Starship Enterprise and the prime suspects in a series of terrorist attacks. The three Starship Enterprise crewmen are imprisoned, relations between the K'vin and the Federation begin to crumble, and Kirlos' ancient underground machinery awakens from a centuries long dormancy, primed to release a powerful destructive
# 13:
The Eyes of the Beholders
After several Federation and Klingon ships disappear while traveling a newly opened trade route, the U.S.S. Enterprise is sent to investigate. Their quest leads Captain Picard and his crew to an eerie space graveyard full of ships of every size and description, all of them, dead in space.
At the center of the graveyard lies a huge, incredibly powerful artifact, constructed by
an ancient alien race. And as the crew struggles to solve the mystery of the artifact, they unwittingly trigger its awesome power, a power that threatens insanity and death to all aboard the Starship Enterprise.
# 14:
For three centuries the people of Alaj and the people of Etolos have been bitter enemies. However, when crippling disasters strike both worlds, each planet becomes the other's hope for survival.
With time running out, Captain Picard and his crew are called to negotiate a peaceful
settlement and begin rescue efforts. But some factions would rather see both planets perish and will stop at nothing to prevent peace.
Soon the U.S.S. Enterprise crew is caught up in a web of intrigue and terrorism that culminates with an act of ultimate revenge against both peoples, revenge that will mean the destruction of two worlds and the U.S.S. Enterprise.
# 15:
Fortune's Light
Dante Maxima Seven is a world known to its inhabitants as Imprima, a world where Madragi --
huge social/economic entities wealthy beyond compare -- control the fate of millions.
Years ago, William Riker was part of the Starfleet delegation that opened Imprima to the Federation. The disappearance of an old friend -- Teller Conlon, who also served on that team -- draws Riker and the U.S.S. Enterprise across the galaxy, back to Imprima.
The jewel known as Fortune's Light, one of the Madraga Criathis's most priceless possessions, has been stolen, and Teller Conlon stands accused of its theft. Riker must discover the truth behind the disappearance of both his friend and Fortune's Light, no easy task on a world where treachery and intrigue are commonplace.
# 16:
The U.S.S. Enterprise is stunned when famed scientist Lynn Costa is murdered in one of the
ship's science labs. She and her husband Emil were known as science's greatest ongoing collaboration and, together had received the Federation's highest honors for their achievements in scientific research.
Determined to see the culprit brought to justice, Captain Picard assigns Lt. Worf and Counselor Deanna Troi to the case. Their routine investigation of the ship's science lab soon reveals a dangerous web of deceit, betrayal, and madness. Now, Worf and Troi find themselves struggling against a ruthless assassin set on revenge, for whom murder is only the beginning.
# 17:
Eric Baldwin is the Federation's premier exologist, a specialist in all manner of alien life forms -- and one of Captain Picard's oldest, most trusted friends. But Baldwin's discoveries have made him enemies across the galaxy, and now he wants Picard to help him by erasing all traces of his existence.
Picard finds himself with little time to worry about Baldwin's problems for the U.S.S.
Enterprise suddenly becomes a strange and dangerous place, a ship where assassins lurk in every corner, and even old trusted friends are not what they seem. Threats all masterminded by the strangest race of aliens Picard and his crew have yet encountered.
# 18:
Q in Law
Two powerful rival families of the spacefaring merchant race called the Tizarin are to be joined through marriage, and the U.S.S. Enterprise is chosen as the site for the wedding. Captain Picard is pleased by the happy duty, but his pleasure is cut short by the arrival of the Federation delegate from Betazed, Lwaxana Troi, the mother of ship's counsellor, Deanna Troi.
Despite Lwaxana Troi's romantic overtures toward the captain, the celebration seems to go smoothly until the situation is further complicated by the arrival of the notorious and all powerful being called Q, who has come to examine and challenge the human concept of love. The festivities are thrown into turmoil, the powerful Tizarin families are on the verge of war, and Lwaxana Troi is determined to teach Q a lesson in love that he will never forget.
# 19:
Perchance to Dream
On a routine mission to survey Domarus IV, a class M world with no intelligent life, a U.S.S. Enterprise shuttle crewed by Data, Troi and Wesley Crusher is captured by a race
called the Tenirans who claim the world for themselves. Captain Picard tries to negotiate with the captain of the Teniran ship, but the shuttle suddenly disappears in a blaze of color and light.
Picard demands to know what's happened to the shuttle and its crew, but the Tenarins deny any part in their disappearance. Captain Picard then vanishes from the bridge and finds himself alone on the planet's surface with the Tenarin captain. As the two captains begin to work together, they realize that they are not alone on Domarus IV as they confront an
incredible alien force with the power to transform a world, or to destroy it.
# 20:
Answering a distress call, the U.S.S. Enterprise finds a damaged alien vessel, the Freedom, crewed by a race known as the Vemlans. Their captain, Jared asks for assistance in repairing his ship, assistance Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are only too happy to provide.
But once begun, their relief efforts are interrupted by the arrival of an entire fleet
from Vemla, who claim that Jared and his crew are escaped slaves, and their property!
Jared and his people plea for protection and the right to be free and Captain Picard is caught between the demands of his conscience and the dictates of the Prime Directive. When the Vemlan fleet threatens to fight if the U.S.S. Enterprise doesn't stand aside, Picard must choose between the safety of his ship, and the annihilation of an entire race.
# 21:
Chains of Command
While exploring a group of devastated class-M planets in a remote sector of space, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise is shocked to discover a group of human slaves on a forbidding, glacial world. The slaves' revolt against their human overseers, and Captain Picard and his crew sympathize with the slaves plight but cannot interfere in the conflict.
After the revolt succeeds, Captain Picard learns that both the slaves and the overseers were controlled by a mysterious bird-like race called the Tseetsk, who are coming to reclaim their property. With time running out, the rebels kidnap Captain Picard and Counselor Troi, drawing the U.S.S. Enterprise into the middle of their deadly plan of vengeance.
# 22:
The Jarada are a mysterious race of insectoid beings with an extreme devotion to protocol. When this usually reclusive race offer to open diplomatic relations with the Federation,
Captain Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are quickly ordered to Jarada to negotiate the exchange of Ambassadors.
The Jaradan ship arrives and the Jarada seen uncharacteristically friendly. They invite Picard to send down members of his crew and negotiations proceed both quickly and smoothly. Suddenly, however, the Jarada change. They cut off Commander Riker and his away team from the U.S.S. Enterprise and initiate an unprovoked attack on the ship. Picard must unravel the aliens' mystery before it's too late for the away team, and the U.S.S.
# 23:
War Drums
The planet Selva is a lush colony world settled by a hardy group of humans, who found the planet already inhabited by a small gang of young Klingons. When violence erupts between the two groups, Captain Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are sent to render assistance.
Worf leads a landing party to the planet while the Starship Enterprise is called away on another urgent mission. On Selva, Worf and his party find that the old hatreds and prejudices between humans and Klingons are revived, and the settlers are out for blood. Now, Worf must prevent a horrible massacre before all of them fall prey to Selva's deadly secret and raging fury.
# 24:
After two hundred years of civil war the planet Oriana is dying. Most of the surface
vegetation is gone, the air is nearly unbreathable, and the people themselves are wasting away. With hope nearly gone, the two warring factions have at last settled down to talk peace, and the Enterprise is sent to help them negotiate. Just after Picard, Worf, and Troi beam down, however, the ship is called away on another urgent mission, leaving them
stranded alone with the Orianans, some of whom would rather not see a peace agreement reached. Picard is framed in a case of murder, and the negotiations fall to Worf.
# 25:
While answering a distress call from a scientific station in a remote part of the galaxy, the U.S.S. Enterprise becomes infected with a mysterious alien life form which feeds on and transforms inorganic materials.
The Starship begins to gradually disintegrate, and Starfleet is forced to order its evacuation and destruction to prevent the dangerous infection from spreading throughout the galaxy. It's the end of an era for Captain Picard and his crew, who are scheduled for transfers that will split them up among different Starfleet vessels.
As the end draws near for the Starship Enterprise, Captain Picard begins to formulate a desperate plan to save his ship and preserve his crew, a plan that will force him to defy Starfleet orders and lead him to a confrontation with a malevolent alien force which has the power to destroy the entire Federation.
# 26:
The Romulan Prize:
Hermeticus 2 is a planet so shrouded in secrecy that few in the Federation even know of its existence. When a Romulan spy learns of the world, it becomes the centerpiece of a far-reaching Romulan plan.
On routine patrol near the border of the Neutral Zone, the Starship Enterprise discovers an advanced Romulan Warbird prototype drifting lifeless in space. Investigating the vessel, Captain Picard is drawn into a plot that threatens the very foundation of the Federation. Now, with time running out, Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise must stop the Romulans before the deadly secret of Hermeticus 2 overwhelms them all.
# 27:
Guises of the Mind
The world Capulon IV is finally ready to join the Federation after years of waiting. All that remains is the ruler's coronation and a routine signing of the final treaty. When the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise and their passengers -- a group of women from a religious order dedicated to helping the downtrodden -- arrive for the event, they expect to find a
world willing and happy to receive them. Instead, they encounter deceit and treachery. The crown prince, once excited and eager to join the Federation, now refuses even to speak with Captain Picard.
Beaming to the surface in an attempt to work out the problem, Picard, Troi, and Mother Veronica, the abbess of the nuns, are drugged and captured. Now they must somehow escape and stop the crowning. If they cannot prevent it, the King will be omnipotent, with the power to destroy the Starship Enterprise and all of Capulon IV as well.
# 28:
Here There Be Dragons
When Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise receive news of a human
planet hidden in the center of an immense stellar cloud, they immediately investigate.
Penetrating the cloud, the Starship crew is shocked to discover a world of knights and
serfs lifted right out of Earth's Middle Ages. Ruthlessly exploiting the planet is a ring of interstellar trophy hunters preying on the immense, native dragonlizards, twenty-feet
tall and armored like tanks.
Beaming down, an away team soon becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue and murder. Taken prisoner, Picard, Riker, Data, and Ro must somehow escape and stop the hunters or face destruction from the hunters' ancient weapon, based on an advanced technology capable of utterly annihilating the Starship Enterprise.
# 29:
Sins of Commission
While on a mission to save the planet Lessenar from environmental collapse, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise becomes entangled in a web of treachery and murder.
When a member of a strange, emotion-casting race is killed on board the ship, all evidence points to Lieutenant Worf and one of his oldest friends.
Soon the crew of the Starship Enterprise is crippled by an emotional onslaught as the surviving aliens respond in anger and pain to the death of their comrade.
Worf must overcome this alien influence and find the true killer with the destruction of the Starship Enterprise, the survival of Lessenar, and his Klingon honor hanging in the balance.
# 30:
Debtor's Planet
When a Vulcan space probe reports that the Ferengi are advancing the people of the planet
Megara from a primitive agricultural state to a sophisticated technological society, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Starship Enterprise are ordered to transport an unlikely passenger to the system, a ruthless twentieth-century businessman who is now a Federation ambassador.
The Ferengi have been changing Megaran culture, turning a hard working and honorable people into vicious xenophobic killers. But the Ferengi are only hired hands. They have hidden masters, with plans to use the Megaran people as a powerful weapon against the Federation.
Now Picard must find a way to use the talents of this new ambassador to free the Megarans. But the ambassaor is hiding a deadly secret of his own, a secret that could unleash an unstoppable destructive force on the Federation.
# 31:
Foreign Foes
The Hidran race and the Klingon Empire have been at each other's throats for seventy years, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard has been asked to accomplish a near-impossible task: take the U.S.S. Enterprise to the planet Velex to mediate a treaty that will end the conflict between these two aggressive species. Things get off to a rocky start, then turn deadly as the Hidran ambassador mysteriously dies, and kills a Klingon delegate in a last act of vengence.
When Lt. Worf is charged with the ambassador's assassination, and Commander Riker and Counselor Troi are trapped far below the surface of the planet, Captain Picard must not only act to save the Hidrans and Klingons from each other, but to save his Klingon officer from a hideous death sentence.
# 32:
Twenty-five years ago, Captain Jean-Luc Picard conducted breakthrough negotiations with an
aggressive race called the Gorn. On the anniversary of that achievement, Captain Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are headed for the Gorn Homeworld to continue that important work.
When the ship stops to investigate a mysterious alien artifact, Captain Picard is suddenly hurled through time and space. Just as Commander Riker and the Starship Enterprise crew begin an impossible search for their captain, the Gorn summit goes terribly wrong.
As war looms over the galaxy and Picard is desperately needed on the Gorn Homeworld, the captain finds himself stranded in the past on a planet called Cestus III at a crucial turning point in Federation history. Caught in a deadly situation that challenges Picard's most cherished beliefs, he must weigh the fate of a world against the future of the entire
# 33:
Balance of Power
When a famous Federation scientist dies, his son puts his inventions up for sale to the highest bidder, be they Federation, Klingon, Romulan, or Cardassian. Among the items at auction is a photon pulse canon capable of punching through a starship's shields with a single shot.
Meanwhile, Wesley Crusher is kidnapped from the Academy by renegade Ferengi who have set their sights on the photon canon as well, and Captain Picard must outmaneuver enemies on every side to save Wesley and protect the Enterprise from the deadly fire of the new canon.
# 34:
Blaze of Glory
The U.S.S. Enterprise is assigned to the planet K'Trall, a planet just coming out from under the heel of barbarous suppression. When the planet's newly emerging freedom is threatened by a rogue ship attacking Federation shipping, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew put their lives on the line to protect K'Trall from the raids.
But the planet itself holds a deadly secret, one that could lead to a resurgence of the
despotic cruelty they have suffered for centuries. With time running out, Captain Picard must see his way past a maze of deadly deception, with billions of lives hanging in the balance.
# 35:
The Romulan Stratagem
On a mission to an unexplored planet near the Klingon/Romulan border, the U.S.S. Enterprise travels to the planet Eloh to negotiate Federation membership.
But upon arrival, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his diplomatic team find themselves face to face with Commander Sela, an old Romulan enemy, who's there to convince the Elohsians to join the Romulan Empire.
When a series of fatal incidents casts suspicion on both delegations, Data must form an uneasy alliance with Sela to prove the innocence of the Starship Enterprise crew, or lose a strategic stronghold to the Federation's greatest enemy.
# 36:
Into the Nebula
While exploring an unknown region of space, the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a strange nebular dust. Upon further investigation, they discover a planet called Krantin on which
the plant and animal life, as well as the civilization are dying.
A series of explosions and a ship that simply disappears into thin air lead the crew to believe another group is causing the devastation of the planet. The leader of the planet's society, however, is wary of trusting the starship Enterprise rewmembers, and has the away team arrested. With time running out, Data must find a way to save his crewmates or watch
as two worlds are destroyed.
# 37:
The Last Stand
In the middle of a routine mapping mission, Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise encounter a culture just on the edge of developing warp drive technology. When they survey the planet, they are startled by the sudden approach of thousands of spacecraft from an aggressive alien race bent on destroying this emerging culture. Picard has only days to resolve a conflict that has been going on for millennia. If he fails, billions will die, yet if he succeeds, he will unleash a powerful new threat to the Federation.
# 38:
Dragon's Honor
Isolated for centuries, the exotic Dragon Empire is finally ready to join the United Federation of Planets. But first the emperor's eldest son must marry the only daughter of his oldest enemy, bringing to an end decades of civil war. Without the wedding, there can be no peace -- and no treaty with the Federation.
As honored guests of the Dragon Empire, Captain Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise must ensure that the royal wedding occurs on schedule, despite the Empire's complicated and difficult codes of honor. And Dr. Beverly Crusher finds her loyalties torn when she wins the confidence of the unusually reluctant bride-to-be.
More than just a treaty is at stake, for a vicious race of alien conquerors will stop at
nothing, from assassination to invasion, to keep the Empire out of the Federation. Picard must use all his skills to save the Empire, and preserve the Dragon's Honor.
# 39:
Rogue Saucer
While its own saucer section receives repairs, the Enterprise tests a new experimental saucer that can, in theory, survive a crash landing on a planetary surface. Riker, Data, Worf, La Forge, and Starfleet's Admiral Nechayev will risk their lives to test this new saucer. But that dangerous test turns even more perilous when hostile forces seize control of the new saucer, and turn it against the Enterprise.
# 40:
Eighty years ago, bodiless alien entities brought a plague of violence and bloodshed to the planet Vulcan. The terror was ended only when the entities were trapped in special containers and walled away behind forcefields. But now, some greedy Ferengi have opened the containers, releasing the rapacious entities to possess the bodies of the Enterprise crew. No one can be trusted -- anyone could be host to one of the alien things -- and Captain Picard must devise a way to defeat the entities before they spread throughout the
# 41:
Invasion! Book Two: The Soldiers of Fear
Long ago, before the dawn of civilization, they were banished to the realm of nightmares. Now the terrors are real . . .
A generation ago, another Starship Enterprise fought off a ship of exiled aliens intent on conquering all of the Alpha Quadrant. Starfleet thought the foe had been repelled forever -- until now. The Furies have returned in might warships even more powerful than before. But their weapons are more than merely physical, for these aliens are the origins of all the demons and monsters of ancient myth, and they have found a way to project fear directly into the minds of their enemies. To defeat the Furies, and save the Federation, Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise must first conquer the darkest terrors of their unconscious minds.
# 42:
Centuries ago, followers of the tyrant Khan Noonien Singh left Earth for the planet Hera to continue his experiment in selective breeding. Now, they are finally ready to launch their plan of universal domination -- with the U.S.S. Enterprise as their weapon. Captain Picard must enlist the help of Heran expatriate Astrid Kemal to defeat her fellow superbeings.
Unless the captain and crew of the Enterprise can stop them, the Heran infiltrators could alter the genetic landscape of the galaxy for generations to come.
# 43:
A Fury Scorned
With their sun about to go nova, the people of Epictetus III face utter annihilation. Although the U.S.S. Enterprise has come to lead the rescue operation, there is no way to evacuate a population of over one hundred million, leaving Captain Picard to make an agonizing decision. Should he try to salvage the planet's children, its greatest leaders and thinkers, or its irreplaceable archeological treasures? No matter what he decides,
millions must be sacrificed -- unless another solution can be found.
With time running out, Data proposes a revolutionary scientific experiment that could save all of Epictetus III, or doom both the planet and the Enterprise as well.
# 44:
The Death of Princes
Dangerous assignments come in pairs when Captain Picard and his crew are confronted with
two desperate missions on two different worlds.
On the planet Buran, newly linked to the Federation, a mysterious disease devastates the population-and turns them against the visitors from the U.S.S. Enterprise. Meanwhile, on nearby lomides, a renegade Federation observer has disappeared, intent on violating the Prime Directive by preventing a tragic political assassination.
While Dr. Crusher struggles to find a cure for the plague ravaging Buran, Commander Will Riker leads an Away Team to lomides. Their forces divided, Picard and his crew find themselves the only hope of two worlds.
# 45:
The Great Rift lies between the Sagitarius and Orion arms of the galaxy. Stars are scarce there, beyond the authority of the Federation, and legends abound of lost civilizations and of ancient monsters that prey on those who dare to venture into the vast darkness between the stars.
When several ships and colonies mysteriously disappear into the Rift, the U.S.S. Enterprise leads an expedition to investigate various disturbing reports. Accompanied by two other Federation starships, Picard and his fellow captains discover a bizarre menace of unimaginable power. And the only way to trap this destructive entity is to use the Enterprise as bait.
# 46:
To Storm Heaven
When Lelys, ambassador of the plague-ridden colony planet of Orakis, approaches the Federation seeking help for her dying world, the U.S.S. Enterprise speeds to the rescue. Captain Picard and his crew escort the Orakisan delegation to its long-lost sister-world, Ne'elat, where the ambassador and the Away Team are initially welcomed, but then endangered. As the Enterprise officers make their way through a web of planet-wide intrigue, time is running out the people of Orakisa and the inhabitants of their sister-worlds as well.
Encounter at Farpoint
The U.S.S. Enterprise is en route to Cygnus IV, home of the technologically illiterate Bandi and their mysteriously advanced Farpoint Station. After adding to its crew complement from Deneb IV they are harassed and prosecuted by an omnipotent being named Q, who claims that humanity has not progressed beyond barbarism. Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise must defend themselves by solving the mystery of Farpoint Station in a
manner satisfactory to their newest judge and nemesis.
Picard and the Enterprise crew are sent to investigate what appears to be the defection of
Ambassador Spock to Romulus. Captain Picard and Lt. Cmdr. Data disguise themselves as Romulans and are transported to Romulus. There they discover that Spock is actually attempting the reunification of Vulcan and Romulus, and working with a Romulan underground movement. Picard's Romulan nemesis, Commander Sela, reappears and captures the Starfleet officers and the ambassador, all as part of a plan to conquer Vulcan. The three must escape from their Romulan prison and foil the Sela's plans for invasion.
The U.S.S. Enterprise discovers the wreckage of a starship upon the monstrous surface of a
Dyson sphere, an artificially-constructed habitat built around a star; and preserved in a weak transporter pattern is Starfleet engineering legend Montgomery "Scotty" Scott. Mr. Scott boards the Enterprise to find himself lost in a world that he barely recognizes, a world that has passed him by.
But soon the Enterprise finds itself trapped within the Dyson sphere and pulled into the
star, and Scotty must work with Lt. Geordi La Forge to rescue the Enterprise.
The Borg are back and crueler than ever. No longer mindless, inhuman drones but cyborg soldiers on a mission to assimilate all intelligent life, their new goal is the complete destruction of the Federation. And in the midst of facing the Borg again, Captain Picard learns that he may be the cause of the change.
Commander Data is changing as well. For the first time in his life, Data feels a genuine emotion, and that emotion is deadly, destructive rage. When it is revealed that the Borg are commanded by an old enemy out of Data's past, Data must choose between his allegiance to the Federation and the one thing he wants above all else.
All Good Things...
Seven years ago, Captain Jean-Luc Picard first faced the judgment of the Q Continuum -- a race of beings with God-like powers over time and space who presumed to gauge humanity's
fitness to exist in the galaxy. Seven years ago they suspended judgment, but now a decision has been reached: The human race will be eliminated, not only in the present, but throughout time. Humanity will never have existed at all.
The only chance to save mankind lies with Captain Picard. An old enemy has granted him the power to revisit his life as it was seven years before, and to experience his life twenty-five years in the future. With the help of friendships that span time and space, Picard struggles to defeat the plans of the Q Continuum. But even as he fights to save the human race from total extinction, he has been set up to be the unwitting agent of mankind's destruction.
In an effort to save humanity, Picard must sacrifice himself and all those he commands and if their sacrifice fails all mankind is doomed.
Star Trek: Klingon
The Klingon Empire remains the Federation's most fearsome and uneasy ally, but the intricacies of the warrior culture make for a limited understanding. During crucial
negotiations on Deep Space Nine, the leader of the Klingon High Council, Gowron, tests human understanding of the Klingon way with a story of one warrior's quest for honor. Pok is a young Klingon caught up in the dangerous complexities of clan politics. When his father is murdered in his own home on the day of Pok's Rite of Ascension, Pok must find the assassin and close the circle of vengeance.
The story begins with the launching of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B and the mysterious
disappearance of Captain James T. Kirk. Then seventy-eight years later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D receives a distress call from a remote scientific observatory.
Picard learns that a newly developed super weapon has been stolen by a desperate scientist with an insane plot. Facing the most difficult task of his career, Captain Picard must seek out the one person with the power to help him, a person long thought dead: Captain James T. Kirk.
Together, the two captains will be tested as they've never been before. And both men will be forced to make the greatest sacrifices of their careers to save countless millions from a madman with a plan for mass destruction.
Unexplained gravitational disturbances summon Captain Picard and the Starship Enterprise to the planet Elysia, and the android Lieutenant Commander Data to a date with destiny. For on this alien world, he is drawn into an impossible quest, leading him to consequences both heartwarming and disastrous, as he finally dares to pursue his fondest desire: to
become human.
The Borg, half organic being and half machine, are the most feared race in the known galaxy. In their relentless quest for technological perfection, they have destroyed entire star systems, enslaved countless peoples, and, in a single brutal attack, decimated Starfleet's mightiest vessels.
Answering a distress call from a planet under attack by the Borg, the U.S.S. Enterprise meets Delcara, the lone survivor of an alien race the Borg obliterated. Blinded by hatred, Delcara seeks the ultimate revenge, the complete destruction of her race's executioners. But the U.S.S. Enterprise crew learns that Delcara's vengeance carries a terrible price, for once unleashed, the destructive force she commands will annihilate not only the Borg, but countless innocents as well.
Before he commanded the Starship Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard was the captain of the deep space exploration vessel, the U.S.S. Stargazer, on an incredible twenty-two year voyage. Now Picard is reunited with his old crew for the first time in over a decade, on a mission to see his former first officer installed as ruler of the Daa'Vit Empire.
The reunion turns deadly when a ruthless assassin begins eliminating the U.S.S. Stargazer crew one by one. Picard's present and former shipmates must join forces to solve the mystery of the Captain's past, before the killer strikes again.
Years before they served together on board the U.S.S. Enterprise, Commander William Riker
and ship's counselor Deanna Troi had a tempestuous love affair on her home planet of Betazed. Now, their passions have cooled and they serve together as friends. Yet the memories of that time linger and Riker and Troi remain Imzadi - a powerful Betazoid term that describes the enduring bond they still share.
During delicate negotiations with an aggressive race called the Sindareen Deanna Troi mysteriously falls ill and dies. But her death is only the beginning of the adventure for Commander Riker, an adventure that will take him across time, pit him against one of his closest friends, and force him to choose between Starfleet's strictest rule and the one he calls Imzadi.
The Devil's Heart
The Devil's Heart is a legendary object of unsurpassed power and mystery. Worlds that
believe in magic consider it Darkness's mightiest talisman; and worlds of science consider it a lost artifact of some ancient and forgotten race. Some say the Heart enables its possessor to control people's minds and to amass wealth enough for a dozen lifetimes, while others think it capable of raising the dead, perhaps even changing the flow of time itself. But to all, the location of this fabled object has remained a mystery, until now.
An isolated archaeological outpost has suddenly stopped responding to repeated requests for information. Sent to discover why, the U.S.S. Enterprise crew finds a devastated outpost and a dying scientist, whose last words fall on disbelieving ears: the Devil's Heart has been found.
As the quest for the Heart unfolds, Captain Jean-Luc Picard discovers that beyond all the legends and age-old secrets lies an awful truth: whoever holds the Devil's Heart possesses power beyond imagining.
Dark Mirror
One hundred years ago, four crewmembers of the U.S.S Enterprise crossed the dimensional
barrier and found a mirror image of their own universe, populated by nightmare duplicates of their shipmates. Barely able to escape with their lives, they returned, thankful that the accident which had brought them there could not be duplicated, or so they thought.
But now the scientists of that empire have found a doorway into our universe. Their plan is to destroy from within, to replace a Federation Starship with one of their own.
Their victims are the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, who now find themselves engaged in combat against the most savage enemies they have ever encountered, themselves.
In all of his travels Captain Jean-Luc Picard has never faced an opponent more powerful than Q, a being from another continuum that Picard encountered on his very first mission as Captain of the Starship Enterprise. In the years since, Q has returned again and again to harass Picard and his crew. Sometimes dangerous, sometimes merely obnoxious, Q has always been mysterious and seemingly all-powerful.
But this time, when Q appears, he comes to Picard for help. Apparently another member of the Q continuum has tapped into an awesome power source that makes this being more powerful than the combined might of the entire Q continuum. This renegade Q is named Trelane, also known as the Squire of Gothos, who Captain Kirk and his crew first encountered over one hundred years ago. Q explains that, armed with this incredible power, Trelane has become unspeakably dangerous.
Now Picard must get involved in an awesome struggle between super beings. And this time the stakes are not just Picard's ship, or the galaxy, or even the universe, this time the stakes are all of creation.
Continuing the mission he began in "Unification," Starfleet Ambassador Spock endeavors to impart the logic of the Vulcan way to a small band of Romulans eager to unite the Romulan
Empire and the planet Vulcan. But unbeknownst to them, a Romulan spy has joined the ranks disguised as a Unification sympathizer. Deceived by this traitor, Spock and his students are taken hostage.
Fearful that Spock's knowledge of Federation security will fall into enemy hands, Starfleet dispatches its best ship, the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D, and most respected captain, Jean-Luc Picard, to secure the hostages' release. Spock's former shipmate from the original Starship Enterprise, Ambassador McCoy -- over one hundred forty years old, but still as feisty as ever -- is brought in to consult on the negotiations.
Their situation is further complicated when Captain Montgomery Scott confiscates an out-of-service starship and effects his own daring rescue of Spock. Picard must now find a way to preserve the Federation's security and prevent a war while treading a minefield of danger and deadly Romulan politics that threaten his ship, his crew, and the Federation he serves.
For 1500 years, the Klingons have revered him as their first emperor, the legendary warrior who united their people and taught them the meaning of honor, but the truth of his incredible life has been shrouded in myth and fables... until now.
A clone of the original Kahless now reigns as emperor, but the discovery of an ancient
scroll throws the legends into doubt and threatens to tear the Klingon empire apart. Surrounded by treachery and rumors of revolt, this new Kahless can trust no one - except Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Worf of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
First Contact
From the deepest, darkest reaches of space came the greatest threat the Federation had ever faced: the Borg. Half organic/half mechanical, the Borg were relentless and bent on conquering and "assimilating" all intelligent life; a single Borg vessel destroyed 39 Federation starships, decimating Starfleet.
Only the courage and determination of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew prevented the Borg from striking at the heart of the Federation and Earth itself in the year 2367. Picard and the USS Enterprise were able to score a stunning victory against the Borg.
But all that has changed, and the Borg are back...
Stronger and more dangerous than ever, they are ready to launch a new attack against the Federation, one that threatens its past...present...and future. Once again, Captain Picard, Commander Riker, Lieutenant Commander Data and the rest of the crew must face their greatest foe in a startling confrontation that will take them across time and put them face-to-face with their relentless enemy, revealing the Borg Collective's deadliest secret...and its true face.
Day of Honor # 1: Ancient Blood
To true Klingon warriors, no occasion is more sacred than the Day of Honor, when they pay homage to all that makes them Klingon. But honor demands its price....
Worf finds his honor tested when he goes undercover to infiltrate a planetary criminal
network. How can he root out the corruption on Sindikash without resorting to deceit and treachery himself? Worf's dilemma is shared by his son Alexander, who searches for the true meaning of honor in his own human heritage. Along with his son, Worf must confront deadly danger -- and the inner struggles of his Klingon soul.
The Best and Brightest
Every year, Starfleet Academy in San Francisco attracts many of the most talented and ambitious young people in the Federation. They come from all over the Alpha Quadrant, from hundreds of worlds and species, to prepare themselves for the challenges of the final frontier.
Meet a new generation of cadets: a newly joined Trill just beginning the first of many
lives; a Bajoran Vedek who finds himself torn between his vows and an unspoken love; a reckless young man fond of pushing the limits; a feline alien raised among humans; a brilliant but immature young woman with a lot to learn; and a native-born Earth woman with a talent for engineering.
Together they will learn about courage, life, teamwork, and themselves. Their future is
just beginning -- but one of them will not survive!
Ship of the Line
The Starship Enterprise 1701-D has been destroyed, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard finds himself without a command. While waiting for his new ship, Captain Picard has gone with Lieutenant Worf on a delicate diplomatic mission to the Cardassian Empire.
As Picard conducts high-level negotiations for the return of Federation prisoners of war, the Starship Enterprise 1701-E is being constructed under the supervision of Captain Morgan Bateson, a veteran of the twenty-third century who spent nearly ninety years in a pocket universe. Commanding this new Enterprise on what was supposed to be a short shakedown cruise, Captain Bateson has an idea of his own. In defiance of Starfleet Command, he will take Starfleet's newest, strongest starship and strike at the heart of the newly aggressive Klingon Empire.
Captain Picard's negotiations proceed smoothly -- until he discovers that a hate-crazed Klingon commander -- Captain Bateson's archenemy from ninety years ago -- has taken the Enterprise from Bateson and launched a vicious attack on Cardassia Prime. To save the ship and preserve intergalactic peace, Picard must ally himself with his former Cardassian
torturer, rely on the legendary skills of one Montgomery Scott, and draw new strength and inspiration from the memory of James T. Kirk...
Ship of the Line reveals an unforgettable lost chapter in the ongoing saga of Star Trek that will thrill readers of every generation.
The Return
Just after the events of Star Trek Generations, on the planet Veridian III, Ambassador Spock comes to the humble cairn, or stones, that marks the grave of James Kirk. But he is not granted time to ponder the passing of his best friend. The Borg and the Romulan Empire have a use for Kirk, and with some mysterious alien science they resurrect the fallen captain, who they hope will give them the edge they need to destroy their greatest enemy,
Jean-Luc Picard. It will take the combined powers of both generations, from Spock and McCoy to Data and Riker, to meet this almost unthinkable new threat.
A lethal virus, inimical to all conventional forms of plant life, threatens the entire
Federation with starvation and dissolution. With the Federation already on the brink of
overpopulation, Starfleet's resources are stretched to their limit. Whole worlds and
complete star systems are placed under quarantine, causing interstellar food supplies to run dangerously low, and hostile alien empires to eye the weakened Federation with malevolence. But now, in this moment of Starfleet's greatest need, Captain James T. Kirk, long believed dead, embarks on a desperate quest to find the true source of the mysterious virus.
Elsewhere in the galaxy, Ambassador Spock, his diplomatic efforts stalled by the spread of famine and chaos, returns to his native world of Vulcan to confront a mystery of a deeply personal nature. Did Sarek, his legendary father, die of natural causes--or was he murdered? Determined to the learn the truth, Spock begins a highly logical investigation that soon leads him to a reunion with a long-lost friend he never expected to see again.
Kirk and Spock together again, must join forces to save a new generation from an awesome menace unleashed by a ruthless interplanetary conspiracy. Pursued by hidden assassins and aided by old lovers and unlikely new allies, the two heroes risk everything, only to find themselves confronted by the one man who might be able to stop them: Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise NCC-1701-E.
Full of high adventure and powerful drama, Star Trek: Avenger is an engrossing new Star Trek epic--and a moving tale of past memories and new hope that only William Shatner could tell.

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